September 04, 2004

Sunflowers = Hydrogen; The future for eco-cars? Could we grow our own gas in the future?

I sure hope this isn't a double, I searched. This article is about a week old, but I hadn't heard of this yet.

  • Dammit! Side bar should be; 'Drivin'' :<
  • Hey, neato!
  • Not to derail too much, but see also: biodiesel. I'm thinking of buying one dem diesel cars.
  • Anything to get us away from the gaoline and oil sounds like an improvement to many, now. But if past experience is anything to go on, the current high prices will come down eventually, and all these ideas will fade away. Be wonderful if I were wrong about this: but it's happened so many times. Growl, mumble...
  • if past experience is anything to go on So, have we hit the oil peak yet? or no?
  • Fuck the sunflowers!!!
  • Alright, Nostril, fes up...what happened between you and the sunflower. You can tell us, we're all friends here.
  • Could we grow our own gas in the future? Yes. Will we? No.
  • Just what the planet needs: even more hydro-carbon emissions. But at least we'd be growing the sunflowers first.
  • I have to say this: FLOWER POWER! Please forgive me
  • If I remember correctly, sunflowers deplete the soil something fierce, meaning you need lots of fertilizers. And what's the raw material of much fertilizer? Hint: it's black, liquid, and you get it out of the ground. The link between oil and farming isn't something that we normally give much thought to, but it takes an incredible amount of oil to produce our food.
  • Also, as I recall reading on some site or other, your top-of-the-line windthingamajiggy costs more energy in black stuff than it will produce over its projected lifespan, ditto for your average solar panel, and that there's really nothing that compares to the black stuff for energy gained vs energy spent, but I'd like to be taught otherwise, please.
  • I have a couple friends that already grow their own. They say the like the convenience and added safety because they know exactly what they're putting in to their crops but none of them seem to like living in constant fear of a police raid. Oh wait, I just realized that this was about growing your own gas.
  • Ha ha!
  • And what's the raw material of much fertilizer? Shit? Blood? Bone? Nitrogen? Whattup?