September 03, 2004

An A-list you might not want to make. Bill Maher: Incredible horndog; would diddle the alligators if they drained the pond. Gwyneth Paltrow: Snotty, pompous chain-smoking toothpick. Bill Gates: Has this thing where he rocks uncontrollably in his chair. Alanis Morrissette: Has a fetish for painting mens' tonails. [Geocities page, link noticed in a recent thread at Mefi.]
  • I can't imagine that something with that much dirt sitting on Geocities would last very long.
  • nice... a shallow but somehow gratifying read. i contributed some dirt via email, as well
  • So everyone in Hollywood is either a fag or a bad tipper. So if you are a celeb and you don't tip your waitress a decent amount, watch out, you'll get outed on this shitty little site. This is a load of crap. What makes me laugh is that this person outs the wrong people. Anthony Daniels comes on to chicks at conventions..? Uh.. no. Bad post. Don't feed the homophobics, please.
  • Well, it's certainly in poor taste, but on the plus side, I didn't notice any mis-spellings. For a Geocities site, that's laudable.
  • Can anybody tell me the meaning of "poetaster"? Odd word, that
  • Waraw: Poetaster, A writer of insignificant, meretricious, or shoddy poetry.
  • Oh, and if you look up poetaster in the dictionary you will see a picture of Jewel. :-P
  • Some television shows and movies are filmed here in Wilmington. My experience has been that whenever someone is talking about his/her encounter with a celebrity, that celebrity has to be portrayed as an absolute ass or an incredibly nice person. There is no gray area. I guess that people don't want celebrities to be actual people. There are less gay people in the Pet Shop Boys' fan club than there are on this list.
  • This site < Defamer
  • Wheeee! That was fun! What does this mean: Bush, George W. Recovering drunkard (and probably a dry drunk) ?
  • A dry drunk is a person who has quit drinking but that's all. Still the same asshole, just without the bottle.
  • and a recovering alcoholic is a different person - got it. Never heard that one before.
  • Nasty stuff. Strikes me as invention, possibly with a light sprinkling of stories (I would hesitate to say 'facts') from genuine emails. I'm with Nostrildamus on this one.
  • So everyone in Hollywood is either a fag or a bad tipper. I believe I first read that article in DUH magazine.
  • This is compiled from the Alt Showbiz Gossip usenet group. Many of the participants are in the biz as behind the scenes workers and they collectively deconstruct all the tabloid blind items. I'm inclined to believe there is a slight bias in favor of truth. They take their gossip pretty seriously and recognise when someone's characterization is way off. Yes it's very snarky, but if you check their anti-FAQ or attempt to defend your fav celeb, they will happily remind you about the name of the group. As for any celebs who complain about the way they are being portrayed, a wise old ape once said, "If you don't like other monkeys pointing at your ass, get down out of the tree."
  • ...and it's been around for a very long while. I remember reading an earlier version of this back in the mid-nineties on the newsgroup. It's as snarkalicious now as it was then.
  • "Braugher, Andre. *Dreamy*. 'Very smart, very sophisticated, just naturally commands respect and attention just by being there; very nice, friendly, appreciative of everyone and, unlike many Hollywood types, when he signs an autograph for you, he will look you right in the eyes and have a full on conversation with you until you have had enough and leave him. Doesn't talk about himself a lot either unless you ask, then he won't focus on himself very long and then shifts the topic to something else. In a group setting, he doesn't say much and when he does, its not about himself usually.'" This was great to read. I've been watching all the old "Homicide" episodes recently and he's one of the best of an outstanding ensemble cast.
  • Bening, Annette. Married to Warren Beatty; she got pregnant by him and then refused to get an abortion. Subtract the Warren Beatty part, and you've just described EVERY MOTHER IN HISTORY. What does this mean?
  • i guess, mid, they're suggesting that beatty wanted her to get an abortion. but i read a long interview of the two of them in Vanity Fair years ago in which beatty claimed the minute he set eyes on benning, he wanted to get her pregnant. immediately. and did. so. who knows?
  • I haven't heard the phrase "Friend Of Dorothy" in fifteen years. Do people still use it?
  • And I especially like the blazing exposes on such hot hot hot celebs as Fatty Arbuckle and Horatio Alger.
  • Heh heh. I have to admit, I love this sort of stuff. Don't take it seriously, find it funny, then go forth and try to work out who it is blind items are talking about. The levels of control over a celebrity's image is what make it fun, I think; the person presented to us is so clearly a fictitious construct, it's amusing to try and fill in the gaps. Even with an accuracy of only 10 or 20 per cent, that's highly giggle-worthy. Having said that, I agree with shawnj - Defamer does this with much more class. I use the term "class" in a staggeringly loose sense, you understand. (Also, I have to say, I really don't see the homophobia. In fact, the sort of people who compile these sort of things are, you know, often kinda gay. And come on - number of openly gay actors in Hollywood: Rupert Everett and Ian McKellen. Because acting is such a manly, heterosexual, Dorothy-ignorant profession.)
  • Strangely compelling read, I'm ashamed to admit. However, if 10 people were to meet me in a week in various circumstances, I imagine my personality rating would be all over the place, just as it is for many of the celebs on that list. What I mean is that people have good and bad days and one bad tip or short comment with a waiter does not an asshole make (or vice versa, naturally). Context!
  • Ok, I live in flyover and don't get out much: what the hell is a "Friend of Dorothy"? Is this some sort of Wizard of Oz reference or something?
  • Yes, sort of.
  • Jeez, what I don't know about things could just about squeeze into Yankee Stadium. Thanks, shawnj. Sorry for being such a stupe.
  • My crush on Winona Ryder was boosted and deflated at the same time. Jimmy Fallon!?!? Oh my...
  • I always sorta wondered if FOD was a reference to Judy Garland or Dorothy Parker. Now I know. See how educational MonkeyFilter can be?
  • Drudge, Matt. FOD* and egg fetishist who's done great damage to his gay brothers and sisters by aiding the cause of fascists, intolerant orthodox Christians, and conservative scum. Ethically challenged hypocritical lackey and moral catamite to right-wingers. We remember you from the old days, Matt-o, and when you fall back to obscurity we'll be waiting with sharpened knives. *FOD= Friend of Dorothy (homosexual) heh.
  • we should do one of these for the monkeys. and NOT start a flame war. *hides*
  • Any site that claims Anthony Daniels comes on to women has to be out of touch with reality. That said, he must be one of the world's most entertaining people - just improving he has you in stiches..