September 02, 2004

Kelsey Grammer gets a boy. This is his second child by his third wife, through his second surrogate mother. Though some wonder why the surrogate?

Could it be Mrs. Grammer's IBS? IANAD but I haven't heard of IBS posing a risk to pregnant mothers. Though I could stand to be corrected. Any one ever heard of a "superfluous" surrogate mother?

  • Do you really want to eat for two when you have IBS?
  • Anyone ever heard of adoption? Sheesh.
  • I've heard drive time dj's suggest it might be because she's an ex-Playmate/ex-MTV dancer who doesn't want to lose her figure. And we all know dj's are always right.
  • From just reading the post alone I know more than I ever did before about Kelsey Grammer. And now I also know that he's doing a version of A Christmas Carol, and that is just too much.
  • When I was a kid, I thought that DJs were gods. When I was older and got a job, I discovered that the guy who emptied the trash cans in my office also did the morning show at an oldies station.
  • Her career is kaputski, and keeping your figure for a functioning career is the only reason I've ever heard a female entertainer express those kinds of concerns about carrying a child. These days most chicks understand they can regain their bods with a little work - and as a playmate, even an ex-one, she's in the gym every day and at the pool.. she knows the deal. My guess is that there's another reason we don't know about. Like another medical condition. IBS is a good cover story, but that's all it is. I know more than I'm telling.
  • lilnemo: IBS per se is not a risk for mothers; in fact, pregnancy and childbirth occasionally correlates with IBS getting better. What is a problem is that current thinking on IBS is that it's caused by serotonin imbalances in the gut, and can be treated with low doses of SRIs, which are not considered safe for pregnancy.
  • IBS per se is not a risk for mothers... I didn't think so. ...can be treated with low doses of SRIs, which are not considered safe for pregnancy... Ah, but aren't you supposed to disclose any prescribed meds to your physician when you find out your preggers? Or is this prescribing being done regardless.
  • And, as I recall, later pregnancy brought on really, really bad constipation, which I think would be even more unbearable with IBS.
  • Hmm... not that I really care about Kelsey Grammer's delusional contribution to overpopulation, but, really, it seems that constipation would be a welcome change of routine for anyone with irritable bowel syndrome.
  • The problem for women who want to get pregnant and have IBS is that coming off the SRIs has side effects anyway, and they need to do it in a controlled fashion, over time, before they get pregnant, and then they've got the joys of the IBS while they try. If your IBS was bad enough, that would be very unattractive. Of course, IBS also then links with serotonin-level induced depression, which would complicate things further.
  • not to be snarky, but are you people really speculating about this? i mean, you really care?
  • Wot I want to know is: is Mr. Grammer or isn't Mr. Grammer going to breastfeed his offspring?
  • I know someone who is getting tested at the moment for IBS, which she got after having her first child, and now she can't keep enough weight on to conceive again. As for Kelsey Grammer, whatever.