September 02, 2004

Apparently, Buddhists enjoy drinking pee (urine). A secret buried deep in the just-now-translated pee-drinking sutra reveals that drinking pee can be good for your health - or so says a Thai academic! All those claiming to be boddhisatva must now forever stand on the threshold of enlightenment until all suffering in man or beast is alleviated with splishy splashety urine. Finally, my question has been answered.
  • Some Buddhists partake of drinking urine. Not all. In fact, some Hindus do as well. And others. Used to be big in China... ? Maybe enjoy is too strong a word. Hardcore Buddhists aren't supposed to 'enjoy' anything. I believe Ghandi drank his own urine. Many traditions observe the drinking of piss for .. er.. various reasons I suppose. I read somewhere that piss contains some hormone that increases alertness or some-such, & piss in general has antibacterial properties. It contains urea, which is a form of bleach, IIRC. Used to be used in the bleaching of fabric, I think. I'm not particularly keen to test the health-giving properties of the yellow flow out on myself, to be honest. Ask a Hindu. Or Sarah Miles. "..splishy splashety urine.." You like to splash it around? I'm not standing next to you at the stall!
  • OMG sorry
  • the practice should not be viewed with disgust, she said. methinks you guys are viewing this practice with disgust. stop that right now.
  • Gandhi. And that's an urban legend IIRC, though one of India's ex presidents (Morarji Desai) is said to have imbibed this particular brand of spirit.
  • Amaroli.
  • But what about Taoists?
  • It actually makes some kind of sense, if you go thru the whole deal; if you lead a balanced, healthy diet, no toxins, no drugs, and a strict physical regime, your urine isn't such a waste... in fact, Doctors in old times used to taste it to help in diagnosis (now that was some humanitarian zeal...). In the other hand, other asked for samples, and used it as medicine for the same patient. I've heard some 'survival stories' about people forced to drink their own or die of dehydration, and maybe then I'd consider it; but otherwise, mmmh, no, I don't think so...
  • I for one will continue to view the practice with disgust, but I promise not to be a hardass about it, so long as everyone promises not to spill any on me.
  • Fes is full of piss & vinegar. Let's do a pepsi-style blind taste test on unwitting subjects, with piss & vinegar. At the Repub convention. Or is it too late? hehe
  • But but... I thought the Republicans pissed vinegar!
  • so long as everyone promises not to spill any on me. And use Listerine when their done.
  • Or one of those little breath strips, at least. Those things are awesome. And let's face it, is "bladder breath" something you want to walk around with? I think not.
  • All i can say is that you better really make sure before you kiss a Buddhist or a Hindu.
  • Just don't kiss 'em on the lips.
  • I'm surprised all this wasn't discussed on Urine Day (June 16).
  • Hmmm ... seem to remember posting this anecdote on MoFi before ... but sometime ago I rented a room in a house owned by an aromatherapist. She used to breakfast on a spliff ... when she started recommending that I drink my own urine I felt it was time to look for alternative accomodation. She presented a compelling argument, but frankly ... No!
  • I view salt and vinegar potato chips with disgust. And this.... your urine isn't such a waste Nope. It's waste. Urea, ketones, other metabolites. Less if you consume less protein. Nevertheless, the body is evicting it from the premises for a reason. A population of protein-starved ascetics could probably recycle their urine more often than I could. "Alternative." Snort.
  • Synchonicity: here I am at work watching a very amusing programme called Brainiac on Sky One (Science Abuse it calls itself) and they've just broadcast an item about how urine can be used as aftershave as one of its central ingredients is also contained in commercial perfumes ... I'm off to pull
  • i'm with goetter on this one. it's WASTE for a reason. why recycle something your body expelled in the first place?
  • According to this site, it's a panacea. (via)
  • The middle stream of fresh, warm, morning urine is the most potent a delicious wake-me-up!
  • Try it in a smoothie sometime.
  • Bob Silverstein, N.U.T. (Naturopathic Urine Therapist) think bob sees the humor in his title?
  • Shouldn't it be Bob GOLDENStein??
  • Heheh. PETER Goldenstein. And in his spare time he's really into skiing, swimming, water polo..
  • @Flagpole: you confirm what I thought I'd heard: that you shouldn't be drinking the stuff if you're a smoker and generally don't take care of yourself.
  • That's disgusting. Rosemary Chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, and a warm spinach salad on the side? I'm appalled.
  • Look, you may all dislike urine now, but spend five days in the desert and you'll be drinking urine straight from the tap.
  • So if you don't lead a generally healthy lifestyle, can you drink the urine of someone who does?
  • Monkeyfilter: Suddenly, Urine Isnt Such A Waste
  • "..splishy splashety urine.." You like to splash it around? I'm not standing next to you at the stall! Huh! You're almighty fussy for a fella that wears green socks, Nostril. Really, if any of it gets on you, I'd say it was just a case of urine the wrong place at the wrong time.
  • *scattered groans and hisses*Are we being punished?
  • MonkeyFilter: a case of urine
  • I love how the thread title says "pee (urine)", just in case there was any confusion.