September 01, 2004

God's Official Party From the New Republic RNC blog.
Soon after Hagel spoke, the acting state Republican chair--an African-American man in a white cowboy hat named Leon Mosley--urged his delegates, "Let's remember what's paramount in our life: God ... This is the GOP: God's Official Party." At that, the room burst into sustained applause. Behold, the Republican base.
  • Meanwhile, the Kerry camp is in crisis. has Bush winning 280-242. The Democrats lost. Onwards to 2008!
  • Pride cometh before the fall.
  • God hates losers!
  • God hates losers! How very Calvinist of you!
  • God also hates the economically underprivileged.
  • How very Calvinist of you! I've never peed on a truck logo!
  • Lighten up, Francis! -Sgt Hulka As an atheist, I don't appreciate mixing religion and government, but someone referring to "god's own party" as a play on the GOP acronym is just harmless play.
  • Greedy Obnoxious Pinheads seems to suit them far more.
  • I don't call them the Republiban for nothing. I fear that we will soon be entering our own age of persecutions.
  • *idly wonders what it will take to get the epublican party off-side with davidmsc*
  • Gott mit uns.
  • You'd think members of "God's Official Party" would be a little more sensitive to blasphemy when they hear it. Or are protestants not really all that concerned with that part of the commandments?
  • Gott mit uns. OK, thread's Godwinned. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  • Craziness. Everyone knows God is an Englishman, and thus unable to vote in the US.
  • actually, biffa, I think you may find that God is actually Bob Saget. I cannot, however, comment on his party affiliation. Bask in the glow that is his heavenly smile.
  • More proof?
  • i thought god was on osama bin laden's side? at least that's what he says. wait... you mean he's fibbing?
  • God is a flip-flopper!
  • Impossible! Only Democrats can be flip-floppers.
  • Flip-flops chafe my big toes.
  • mid, you need flip-flop sox!
  • So the GOP feels it should call itself Hezbollah huh? Ironic.
  • Ooh, they're like mittens for your feet! You know, I think I'd like a pair of toe socks, just because they're really creepy, and I'm pretty sure I can use them to terrorize the wife.
  • MonkeyFilter: God is on our side. MonkeyFilter: All your religious base are belong to us. MonkeyFilter: We're pretty sure you can use us to terrorise your wife.
  • I have toe socks with bananas on each toe and monkeys around the top. Seriously, I really do.
  • I don't find that quote difficult to believe. On preview: I mean Mosley, not Tracicle. Though I do indeed also believe that Tracicle has monkey-fetish toe socks. I believe! I believe! The truth is out there!
  • Toe-socks are an abomination in the eyes of the Lord (who I believe is actually voting Nader - something to do with that "mysterious ways" malarkey).
  • The Lord needs a firm talking-to. I did not choose toe-socks, I should have pointed that out. It's just that I told my mother-in-law about MoFi, and now every special occasion she buys me something monkey-related. And I have to admit, toe-socks make for very snuggly toes. Putting them on requires more dexterity than my toes are capable of, though.
  • And they're creepy! Seriously, tracicle, put on your toe socks, then get one of them there knitted psycho-killer masks from the other thread. Okay? Now just stand in the doorway and stare silently at #2 wiggling your toes at him. Freakination will ensue.
  • I like being married, though. And not locked up in an asylum. I'm a big fan of that.