September 01, 2004

<strike>Can't.</strike> CAN! We can. We will!


  • Can!
  • can: 535,000,000 can't: 19,700,000 The cans have it.
  • Can Can?
  • Cannes.
  • Can!
  • Can Pull!
  • Can Do
  • Cantata
  • So the dumbass wanted to play the silly flip flip game on Kerry. Now he gets his ass chewed over this. Good for him. Personally, I felt he was right about the comment he gave. Something like terrorism will not just go away overnight. The problem for Bush is his political career has been based on lowering expectations. He certainly hasn't done that with terrorism. God forbid we get rid of a guy that has not used all of his military resources to go after Osama bin Laden and had Dick Cheney assuming the role of President on 9/11 without his permission.
  • Candide.
  • Canapes! (or canapés! for the francophones)
  • Can.
  • Candy canes.
  • Cantina?
  • (misspelled on purpose)
  • Winning the war on terrorism is as likely as winning the war on drugs or the war on getting obese people to stop eating junk food. Good luck. Call me in a thousand years when you're engaged in turning-point battle number 8,531.
  • Actually, Copper, it's more like winning the war on slavery or the war on fascism or the war on communism. All wars that we won. I wonder what it's like living in your bleak, black world? Then again... nah. No, I don't.
  • Canto! hehe...I like this game!
  • Slavery, fascism and communism are all still around. This is victory?
  • it's more like winning the war on slavery or the war on fascism or the war on communism. All wars that we won. WTF?!? (checks comment byline) Oh. Right.
  • Smallpox is still around too. Would it not be fair to say that we won that one? Incidentally... where are fascism and slavery still around? There are five communist countries remaining and China's really on the bubble, but fascism and slavery? Come on now. Zedediah: if you ain't got nothin' to add, may I humbly suggest that you take your snide remarks, print 'em all out, fold the paper up until it's all corners, and cram it right up your ass?
  • Cannabis
  • Yes We Can Can
  • For the sake of argument: Slavery in the 21st century Zimbabwe's President Mugabe deemed "fascist" And how about not being so insulting?
  • Monkeyfilter: cram it right up your... can.
  • Jeff, don't you have a plane to catch?
  • ICANNN!!! I can! I can... umm... Write commentaries! Hooray!!!
  • [first: 'cocaineteddybear' is a striking image, I have to say.] second: thousands of women are currently held in sexual slavery in the United States, having been trafficked from countries around the world, but mostly Eastern Europe, Mexico and Southeast Asia. The younger they are, the higher their price. It may not be the kind of slavery that is talked about the most, but it is slavery nonetheless. third: Anything you can do, I can do better. Note: this is not a boast. Do not call me on it, as you will likely win.
  • The war on fascism was won by .... the Soviet Union. (Some WW2 history is important here.) The war on communism....won by the Yeltsin faction of the Soviet Union. (The West just sat around till it went away on its own.) The war on slavery ... not yet won. Jeff's point may well stand - one could say that the war on may yet be won, just like the others have, in the sense that it will no longer threaten white middle class Americans.
  • Also, about 1 in 5 people in the world still live under Communist governments.
  • Jeff, don't you have a plane to catch? Or perhaps a Women's Wall Street Journal article to write?
  • Psst... Jeff, you forgot to say that we also won the war on nazism. Just so you know for future reference, in case you feel like lobbing any more Protest Warrior talking points.
  • cannibal.
  • Candiru
  • Cannikin!
  • Bush himself said in a radio interview with talk show host Rush Limbaugh, "I probably needed to be more articulate." "Bush/Cheney 04: C'mon, you know what I mean."
  • Oh, come on, just because he couldn't think of a gooderer way to put it right then, eeeeeeeeverybody's gotta make fun of him. Nice.
  • if you ain't got nothin' to add, may I humbly suggest that you take your snide remarks, print 'em all out, fold the paper up until it's all corners, and cram it right up your ass? Advice taken- comments would not fit. Sorry. Didn't intend to be snide- I intended to be incredulous. Oh, wait- yeah, I did intend to be snide. Finally we agree on something. Jeff, your comments (political only- your comments in other areas seem coherent) are so astounding as to be reply-proof. You might as well be stating that the moon is made of cheese. As others have mentioned here (thanks, all!) slavery still exists in many corners of the world, including the USA. Fascism still exists in many places as well (remember Mussolini calling it Corporatism?). I'm not sure Communism has ever really existed on a large scale- those countries claiming to be didn't qualify. One would think you have not been paying attention.
  • Zed, thank you for pointing that out about Communism. The most misused political label ever.
  • It's more like despotism by committee than it is anything else.
  • The war on slavery-as-practiced-openly-on-nearly-a-million-constituting-a-sizeable-percentage-of-a-country's-population. The war on a-select-set-of-expansionist-Fascist-governments-in-the-thirties-and-forties. The war on expansionist-Marxism-Leninism. Better?
  • Except, it really wasn't a war on slavery. The abolition of slavery was a byproduct of the conflict.
  • Uncanny.
  • I like goetters version
  • Whoa. That's messed up. I could have sworn I copied and pasted a different site in there.
  • dubya on tape saying "I probably needed to be more articulate."? Where's a dj when you need one?
  • I-liked-the-way-that-goetter's-comment-won-the-war-on-standard-MonkeyFilter-page-width-(and-by-the-way-does-the-overuse-of-the-word-"war"-to-describe-almost-any-form-of-opposition-to-something-really-irritate-anybody-else?)
  • John F. Kerry will win the war on irritation. George W. Bush doesn't think the war on irritation can be won. (Except he does.)
  • I've declared a War on Bad Smells.
  • The abolition of slavery was a byproduct of the conflict. Slavery wasn't only an American institution, remember....
  • Mr. Harrell, I do not live in a bleak, black world, but thank you for caring about it. I live in a world in which it makes sense to be realistic, and not snidely dismiss the opinions of others just to lend credence to my own political beliefs. If my belief structure were so very weak that I felt compelled to adhere to it despite the knowledge that it's based on lies, then I'd be living in a bleak, black world -- is that the world you live in? Lashing out with absurd comments that you know are not true in order to defend your fantasy is considered rude where I live. Perhaps you ought to pause before typing out patently false negative commentary to insult others.