August 29, 2004

"You don't support Democrats. Why should your ketchup?

My apologies to non-US monkeys, this was too funny to pass up.

  • Ick.
  • via MeFi.
  • Funny I hadn't run across this earlier with as much time as I spend on this damn computer. And like many people, I no longer have the spare time to peruse Metafilter much, anymore. Mine is linked to where I originally saw it. But thanks.
  • Well, I guess it's time to start boycotting Republican-owned businesses.
  • "Via MeFi" means "I found it at MeFi". Didn't find it at MeFi? No "via MeFi" necessary. Quite simple, isn't it?
  • well, if we're going to be all that way about it ...
  • Aha!
  • FAQ says feel free to post mefi links - and the FAQ is always right. Personally, I find it hard to believe that someone would start up a company manufacturing ketchup, and then shut it down after the election, as Bush Country claims they will. Unless they are just buying pre-manufactured ketchup and slapping a new label and a mark up on it. In which case - you have to wonder just who are they getting that ketchup from? After all, there are no other keinz.
  • I'm sure the Republican ketchup contains natural mellowing agents that let you focus on the present and not dwell in the past.
  • I'm thinking they'll have some of the same ingredients as the neocon Kool-Aid.
  • Sigh.... Best eaten with Bush's Best Beans, I'm sure.
  • I wasn't saying that Darshon was wrong in posting something that had been on MetaFilter. I was just saying, "They were talking about this on MetaFilter, care to see what they had to say about it?"
  • Aha, is right, ilyadeux! Sorry 'bout that, I had skipped the ice cream post as well. Just goes to show that we are all a well read, well researched (ahem) group. :)