August 25, 2004

Animated gifs of Doooooooom.
  • Suggest 'weirdal' be re-named 'the forever woo'.
  • And the coon pic should actually be called tanuki!
  • I've seen the ad that tanuki gif is from and it is very weird.
  • I think batlol might cause seizures in some people.
  • It did in me.
  • I made the mistake of looking at Arnold first.
  • Jesus Saves is my favorite. Sadly, there's no "Pele scores on the rebound".
  • This is a good time to bring up the crappiness of the animated gif format. Using gif to compress photos and other complex pictures results in excessively large file sizes (note how huge some of these images were). The only alternatives are: jpg+javascript (annoying, not very portable, complicated); flash (hard to make, req'd plugin); and mng (motion-png) which is the ideal solution but totally unsupported by all major browsers. Clamor for support!
  • I think the problem with the animated gif is not the file size, but the fact that the damn thing is always moving/flashing/being damned annoying. Clamour for quiet on the internet!
  • "Mng" just sounds silly. It'll never take off. "So I thought we'd have a moving image in the corner." "Oh, yeah? What format were you thinking? "Well, probably Flash. But we might try mnnn... munnn... nnn... mmnn... GIF."
  • exppii - doesn't png do animation to? I love that format.
  • How hard can animation be?
  • and yes, I knew that wouldn't work
  • Holy crap. I will never speak in a forum again. I will henceforth img src=.
  • "Using gif to compress photos and other complex pictures results in excessively large file sizes" Only if one is a complete n00b & don't know how to create a reasonably small file-size image to begin with, don't know how to compress, &/or how to animate. When I had my own blog, I made fake ad banners that often had multiple frames, loaded in under a couple of seconds even on a 56k connection, with no loss of intended content. People basically make the image size too large, use too many frames or colours.
  • No your wrong, Nostril!!!!! Now Shut up!!!