August 25, 2004

Blooger is 5 years-old
  • happy birthday, booger!
  • As I type this, I am sitting at a desk I bought from Evan when he closed down the old Pyra offices. I sometimes wonder what sort of Blogger development happened at this desk. Blogger started me out with weblogs. I'm using MT and geeklog now, but I remember my roots.
  • Yes, Happy Birthday, and because of it I am now a user of Hello.
  • Happy B-day Blogger! That reminds me...I think it's time I updated my blog!
  • I am down with Blogger. Happy birthday.
  • I wonder if Blogger will become the Netscape of blogging. Once the "IT" thing, then left behind? or in the case of Netscape replaced by an open source project and then have its name used for some other product? Hopefully, google can keep Blogger competitive, but the competition is getting heavy for blogging tools.
  • Blooger?
  • I just gotta say, 'Blooger' makes me laugh every time I see it on the page.
  • Isn't that what Dr. Johnny Fever said on the air that lost him his job in L.A.?