August 24, 2004

Swift Boats Speak Out! You can stop waiting for the perfect response to the "Swift Boat Veterens". It's Swift Boats for Truth. Aw, isn't "Swiffie" cute (and doesn't "Karl the Pig" look familiar)?
  • I think condour75 might enjoy this post.
  • :)
  • Love boat veterans attack Kerry's love record Gopher: "Sure He Might Have Been On The Love Boat But He Did NOT Make A Love Connection"
  • The clock is/was funny. Wolof and condour75 posted before me.
  • I dunno about anyone else but I'm just about fuckin swift boated-out at this point & if I hear another mention of swift boats other than in a Martin Sheen movie, I may have to gouge eyeballs and run down the street brandishing severed heads.
  • Some day we'll look back on all this and laugh.
  • Nostril, those were PBRs. ;)
  • Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm turning 31 in a couple weeks and I fail to see why I should really care about something that happened before I was born. Way to go after those young voters!
  • Just for the record, my link and roryk's are all about looking at all this NOW and laughing. And, no, roryk, nothing's wrong with MoFi's clock; you're just posting from a Non Standard Timezone. So, can you tell me who's gonna win an Olympic medal six hours early?
  • So, can you tell me who's gonna win an Olympic medal six hours early? um, someone who's really really fast at doing whatever event they're doing?
  • Amir Khan will win gold on Sunday. Now give me five pouns, wendell
  • w3nDeL| vv1Ll p0uN j0o!1!!