August 24, 2004

Running low on dandelion wine? Why not try Salamander Brandy?

Although it is extremely hard to find, unreasonably cruel to the little slimy buggers, and may induce... arboreaphilia. Then again... maybe it won't.

  • Apoligies for the rocky translations and the html'ed pdf file, but this is too good to pass up.
  • I would drink this. Then again, history has proven that I will drink anything.
  • I hear anti-freeze tastes good.
  • But pro-freeze tastes frosty!
  • Testy Cod, you lied to me.
  • I'm brewing a batch of oatmeal stout RIGHT NOW.
  • Mmm...oatmeal stout... I've heard there's a way to make pumpkin brandy right in the by-God shell. I'd love to know how to do that.
  • With or without salamanders?
  • Ummm.... Comments acting weird. With or without salamanders? should follow I'm brewing a batch of oatmeal stout RIGHT NOW
  • Yeah, same with my comment. Not to mention that this has all happened since my time travel post...another Scooby-Doo mystery!
  • Just for the record, I'm done brewing that oatmeal stout, sans salamanders. It's burbling nicely in my fermenter as we speak.
  • Oatmeal in beer? Philistines. But at least it only takes 47 minutes to brew.
  • For all you brewers out there, what about trying some mead?
  • Do NOT make any plans after drinking mead.
  • Tried it once, horrible stuff. The store-bought stuff isn't bad - sorta like a very light wine - but MCT's right, it'll thwack ya. and flaked oats may not conform to the Reinheitsgebot, but it's damn fine in a stout. Posted that first one last night; if you don't count mashing the grain, my kettle got to boil at 10:15 pm cst, I began chilling at 11:20, got in the fermenter and pitched the yeast at stroke o' midnight last night, which as you can imagine portends well, celestially speaking, for an autumn beer.
  • This is one of the most interesting links I have read on Monkeyfilter in quite some time & I thank Nickdanger for this feast of knowledge. This is just the sort of esoterica I enjoy immensely. But I feel sorry for the poor salamanders! Thanks again.
  • Warm fuzzy Aw... shucks, Nostrildamus. It were nothin'... :) /Warm fuzzy A moment of silence for the poor damned salamanders who gave up their lives to provide us with a moment of esoteric enjoyment, and to ensure that humans and beech trees may fulfill each other sexually without shame... "...and I wished to fuck something, anything... I chose the beech tree. Their trunks seemed horribly erotic to me..."
  • *pours brandy on the ground for salamander homies*