August 24, 2004

You know you have what it takes to be a porn star. Now all you need is a name. Plug in your name--in a manner of speaking--and some bogus algorithm will determine the nom de porn which will launch you on your new career. Now, if you can only handle the DPs. (If you don't know what those are, don't ask.) [No nudity or naughty words. Should be SWF. If in doubt...]

By the way: I'm Jake Stallion.

  • Erm... better check your http.
  • Sorry about that. This should work.
  • And hey, I've faced one DP and, while humilliating and humbling, I took it in stride and kept my face up, after the fact. Heck, even managed to add some humor to it! And some involved actually enjoyed it. You can see it here.
  • well if I can throw in a fun bone of contention here (by which I mean no offense to pyrrthon1 and his/her/its fine post...) can one really be said to have what it takes to be a porn star if one needs "some bogus algorithm" to determine their name??? by one such algorithm my porn name is Tiger Thorneycroft however I have a preference for homegrown porn names (of which I have many, of course!) all time winner, however, is my husband's porn name: "I can't believe its not butter"
  • I'm Arion Daniels.
  • Presenting: Arcadia Wilde.
  • And in his theatrical debut -- Lord Rage. not much of a porn name in my opinion unless it's some kinky dutch movie.
  • Beware: Max Burns! Which I don't know fits better as a name or a performance evaluation...
  • I've never understood the desire to have one's porn name automatically generated in some way. You were born with creativity - why not use it? Sincerely, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • I thought you got your porn name by combining the name of your first pet and your mother's maiden name. Using that method my pornstar name is Sugarbear Hanna. Using the the link it's Daisy Silk.
  • What's the rule on self linking? Because I know of a few name generators... ;)
  • I don't know about this thing, using it my name comes up as Lord Diamond. That just seems a bit too geeky to me. Funny kimdog, I always heard that you could generate your porn name by using your middle name and the name of hte street you live on. Using that way I'm Vincent Longwood.... I think I'll stick with that.
  • While surlyboi would probably get me lots of work in gay pr0n, this thing says I should go with, "Brick Woods".
  • I'm Tanner Daniels... it seems like more of a gay porn name though, and I don't think that's the direction in which I want to take my adult career. When I first heard about bah's method several years ago, I became Tony Jefferson, which is a little more palatable. This is probably unnecessary anyway. My Internet handle (which has also been my nickname among my oldest friends for 15 years now) is porn-ish enough.
  • the totally erotic: Arcadia Day. I also heard the pet + street (on Definitely Not the Opera on CBC no less), which gives me: Cleo Edgemont. Either way, really...
  • Using bah's method, I'm Diane Ninth Avenue. Per the link, I'm Daisy Silk's sister Devon.
  • I shall henceforth be known to my fans as: Cherri Burning I LOVE it!! Pretty sure my husband will, too.
  • path, we could make mad money if we did a few flicks together, guys dig that sister thing. Interstingly enough, I actually know someone who has made a couple of gay porn flicks. He takes the one name approach: Matteo.
  • Christian Vellhung! Beat that bitches!
  • path... lol yeah the system falls apart the odd time. Mine is pretty much the only name that I've ever seen that works out to be good. It's still fun to try though!
  • Indica wins.
  • I'm Ginger Sinns. but Indica still wins.
  • I'm Alex Carrington. Huh.
  • I always heard that you could generate your porn name by using your middle name and the name of hte street you live on. i heard that too. mine would be Ann Creamer. the pet name/mother's maiden name is your drag queen name.
  • Wilhelm Ray
  • Frank Santa Clara? Sounds like he'd do well in films set at auto-repair shops. my other choice is Blake Steele... but do i really want to wax my chest for porn?
  • "Butch Vincent". Myeh. I'd rather stick with James Lyon (roar) or Heidi Francis, depending on your method of derision.
  • Marcus Cummings. Man. That's bland.
  • Hi, I'm Brad Hammer.
  • kimdog - We're twins right? That seens to be the most erotic alternitve.
  • Sorry Indica, but I am (drumroll please....) Gunther Moneyshot. Bow before my studdly artificially endowed manliness, mere mortals!
  • Bend over for your new overlady Arcadia Ladyjiggles!!!
  • But Wendell Wittler IS my porn name.
  • Wendell - maybe you should rething that? I mean, "Whittler"? Who wants to be whittled? Well, maybe a small segment.
  • Rod Steele, at your service.
  • I got Christian Playah. I bet he knows Tamara from Date to Save.
  • Hello, my name is Onan.
  • The site's name is too dumb to repeat, but the other methods are more interesting. I'm torn between using Princess Rollingwood and Victor Broad.
  • What's your last name, "Ist"?
  • You shall be hence forth known to all your fans as: Brandy Sinn
  • You shall be hence forth known to all your fans as: "Brandy Sinn"
  • You shall be hence forth known to all your fans as: "Brandy Sinn"
  • how the... Administrator! Please hope me!
  • The formula I have heard is, "The name of your street plus your mother's maiden name." Martha Eaton Hardman at your service.
  • My name is Ruby Wilde... which is funny since my Grandma's name was Ruby
  • Tempest Sweets at your service :-)
  • Homegroan Bonehome E.
  • Honey Summers, apparently. I think I object. That gives me visions of someone blonde, and I wouldn't trade in being a redhead.
  • But you may call me Just Dick.