August 22, 2004

Meet the new terrorists! Sorry, freedom fighters. How could this ever end badly?
  • Its just another opportunity for the industrial arms complex to sell more weapons and make more money at the government trough.
  • God, you're right, it seems all to familar. It would be nice if someone would take a second and learn from the mistakes of the past, and not just make the same ones over and over again.
  • "He may be a son of a bitch, but he's OUR son of a bitch..." Tools to suit your needs. Mercenaries and warlords, just like a big crate full of machines guns. They misbehave, become problematic, ask for more money? Remove FRIEND label, stick FOE, and give money to others to stamp them out. Rinse. Repeat. The economy is reinvigorated, jobs mushroom.
  • equipping local security forces -- I have to wonder whether anyone has thought out what will happen to all those weapons over the coming decades.
  • and what PigAlien said.
  • "Hey, I'm your new neighbour. Bob Jones." "Oh, hey. Terry here. Terry Grace. Saw you move in yesterday. So what is it you do?" "I'm a terrorist." "Terrorist, eh? Hmm. Good growth market, I hear." "Oh, yeah. Yeah. Opportunities all over the shop." "Wow. Well, how about that. Hey, I gotta be going, Bob. Nice meeting you. Good luck with that whole terrorist thing." "Cheers, Terry. See you around."
  • The enemy of my enemy is my friend. ...'til I piss them off and then need to make some more friends to fight my old friends who I've given a buttload of guns and training to. TEH CYCAL OF LIEF CONTIEUS!!!!11!!11eleven
  • Please, please, please -- let's not forget about our buddies in Afghanistan the Northern Alliance!
  • Fuckfuckfuckfuck I cannot wait for November. Please, can someone else have a go at fucking up the country/world now?