August 21, 2004

Disposable digital camera It was bound to come.
CVS/pharmacy (NYSE: CVS), the national retail leader in digital photo processing, today announced the nationwide launch of the CVS Digital One-Time-Use Camera line, which includes the world's first disposable with Picture Preview capability, available exclusively through its store locations. The camera is the first one-time-use camera to offer a color LCD screen, providing consumers a complete digital photography experience -- including instant viewing and retaking of shots -- in an easy-to-use, worry-free, point-and-shoot format.
  • You know, given the amount of toxic shit required to make the screens and sensors in these things, I find this really, really, unpleasant.
  • So, I guess that the camera will need some proprietary hardware to retrieve the pictures? It wasn't totally clear from the article. Otherwise, you will have a $19.99 digital camera to keep.
  • That's the stupidest thing ever. I'm not going to bother to list the reasons why.
  • It works just like a regular disposable - not really disposable. You take it back and they "develop" the film. (Or you wait for someone to hack 'em up and you hook a USB cable to it, and you get a spiffy $20 3MP digicam.) These aren't really "new" - they've been making and selling them sans LCD preview screen for awhile. Ritz/Wolf Camera has a line, and Walgreen's in Wisconsin (Madison area, at least) has 1MP ones. And you don't even really need to take it back.
  • I was just commenting that I bet we see a USB hack for them on Slashdot within a week of the premiere.
  • It seems to me that it would be good if they could be refilled for a minimal price.
  • oh, the hacking! I want to be able to hook the LCD up to an old PCI video card for headless boxen! Please hacker santa, please?
  • and in other news Ilford goes into administration