August 21, 2004

It's a trap! No, no, not a Farkis, but rather a handy guide for the working girl on the lookout for undercover police. The Internet. Is there anything it can't do?

It all seems kind of insane to me. Haven't they got anything better to do? The police, that is, not the sex workers...

  • honestly, this list is a bit stupid. not that I would know ;) ...but there are many assumptions about how cops work these sorts of "raids" that are a bit ludicrous. is this person a cop? have they been on a raid or sting operation of this nature?? there are certain legal guidelines that define what is allowable (for the cop, and don't kid yrself that they cannot break laws during a bust, they most certainly can--and I have this from a lawyer who specializes in this arena). all the smart working girl needs to do is understand these guidelines and be careful to stay within certain bounds. essentially, unless the cop can get her to say something incriminating (for a wire, say) or otherwise be completely stupid, then on the off chance an arrest is made it is almost certain to get thrown out of court. it is not the job of a police officer to make a case that will win, only to arrest a person suspected of breaking the law... /end rant!
  • In some states, the police are allowed to have sex with you first and then arrest you. Seriously? To those who do, thanks for your personal sacrifice! Way to take one for the team, sleeping with a prostitute before you arrest her!
  • The writer is the executive director of COYOTE, a sex workers' rights organization. She used to work for the LAPD, became a prostitute, and was later busted by them and went to prison. More info here.
  • I am so glad I live in Canada.
  • I am so glad I live in New Zealand, where we did in fact decide the police have better things to do.
  • That'll never happen here in the US, rodgerd. You see, we've gotta protect the family, didn't you hear? Also, porn is bad. And, um, booze (so sayeth 43 of the 75 counties in my state). Also, jumping on the bed. And pot, even for medical reasons. Right now I'm striking up a petition to criminalize running with scissors. Oh, and those poor gay people should never marry, ever. Otherwise spacetime will unravel.