August 19, 2004

When monkeys attack! Shame on you monkeys! Now fess up. Was it the surlyboi gang, or the BBS brigade that was responsible for this state of affairs?
  • It's those robot monkey overlords, I tell ya! Or perhaps the photogenically posed portrait monkeys ... At any rate, I, for one, welcome our deranged poo-flinging monkey overlords.
  • Are we sure this isn't an extreme mistranslation of the famous "armed gorillas" that we all heard about on the news as kids? They sound like guerillas, and even the "cutting down of their trees" might have something to do with lumber earnings. Who exactly are these correspondents in Khartoum, and why are there monkeys in the desert?
  • He put the phenomenon down to the wholesale cutting down of trees which has deprived the monkeys of their sole source of food. shit.
  • Fight the power!!!
  • Wasn't me, I was too busy teaching monkeys in Japan to raid 7-11s.
  • It was me. Sorry, I eat children.
  • varj, can you recommend a good wine?
  • chianti.
  • Tsk. Everyone knows that some chardonnay or dry riesling goes well with children under 12. What? The doctor said I was no longer a danger to society. He tasted good, too.