August 18, 2004

What if apes take over the world? Worth 1000 image munging contest to place apes into the human world. Some rather amusing and well done images as well a crop of crappy ones.
  • Uh, not to be overly sensitive or politically correct or anything, but, uh, did anyone else view the "ape putting cornrows in other ape's hair" picture as having non-good racial overtones?
  • not anymore so than the gene simmons ape is antisemitic. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
  • Ultra poo-flinging? Somebody has been to our site, it seems.
  • I, for one, welcome our photogenic monkey overlords.
  • The Three Stooges shot is going to be my new wallpaper.
  • It's a mad house, a mad house!