August 18, 2004

Working hard, or hardly working? Fun flash game. Catch the crumpled-up paper. Throw paper in trash can. Addictive.

[I really hope this hasn't been posted before.]

  • Most I got in was 3.
  • My throwing sucked, only made about 1/4 of them, but in two tries, I caught every single one. Should I be proud of that? I AM proud of that, but SHOULD I be?
  • a "creative agency"? I hate it already. Ooh! Score: 900! Booyah!
  • The game play dynamics -- imho -- SUCK. Completely counterintuitive. (I extend the mouse outward toward the can and the paper just falls to the floor?) Three rounds without coming close. I'm moving on.
  • The trick is not to release the paper wad after you reach the limit of your reach. Kind of like you would in real life. It's not that difficult. Also you might try underhand, like the guy suggests. I got something like 1400 after a few games. Fun! Anybody know if the airplanes do anything?
  • I totally suck at this. Time for a sulk.
  • stripe - you get points for hitting the airplanes.
  • Hitting the airplanes gets 400. What do the blinky ones do? My max = 780, after much cursing at the screen.
  • The ones that blink give you double if you get it in the bin, i think. Multiple shots on target also gets you a score multiplier, so 4 shots in a row scores 1000. Which is how i managed to get 2945. Thanks for this nicola, i've bookmarked it :)
  • 1795...i so totally rawk!!! God i need a life!
  • Insanely addictive. Now that I've broken 3000 I can go to bed.