August 18, 2004

"And then, he invent Hilicopter Fcuk !"
"In Japan, the person who have no hair on their penis is only him and cancer patient. Yes, he is minority. So he think differently." EXTREMELY NSFW. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. That said, the video is, erm, interesting...

via FLESHBOT, duh.

  • hehe, he is fucking actor! I'm actually much more impressed by the tweezer thing. Actually, I can't even believe he uses tweezers until I see a video. He either has cancer or a razor.
  • What's a FUCK! Yes FUCK! I loved this more than I should have. I'm on a dialup, so couldn't see the video, but judging from the pictures, he um, twirls around up there? That strikes me as slightly dangerous. BTW, less the twirling, that's a tantric sex position. Just ask Sting.
  • cool glasses, broken english, american flag tights, doing the splits, and helicopter fucking. how could this BE any cooler?
  • That seems more an extreme sport than a pleasurable act. And yes, I was expecting to see him twirl around more than twice... or her to be a spinner :P Would fit right as an act on Zumanity. A low-brow version, at least.
  • I'm with little nemo, I enjoyed this more than I should have.
  • What the hell? I gotta get home and see this.
  • I am gonna try this!
  • Yeah! It's Great!
  • Yeah! It's great!
  • Anyone else feel strangely compelled to watch this over and over and over and... no? Um, never mind. I'd think the penis fracture risk could be reduced with lots o' lube. Or maybe he has a SUPER PENIS, STRONGER THAN A LOCOMOTIVE!
  • Or maybe HIS FUCKING PENIS IS STUNTMAN! *still enjoying this more than he should*
  • How come the first pic is uncensored but all the other ones have little pasties on them?
  • risk could be reduced with lots o' lube Don't know... a very slippery surface + speed + thrust = he ends up flying, face first, to the wall. Not nice, that.
  • Well, since there is a thread about Japanese pr0n, I take this opportunity to post this, which looks like a TV show in Japan. And before you all start making assumptions about my websurfing habits, I've found it on the very respectable aeiou, ok ?
  • No pubic hair, so he thinks that's an excuse for a Law&Order episode!