August 15, 2004

Rummy, Bush and Cheney in NYC, awaiting the RNC (9.3mb QT, Audio NSFW, with mild crotch-grabbing. Super-gratuitous, QT-level use of a Caucasian using the N-word. First FFP. Hope it doesn't offend...)
  • No offended ears here. And welcome to MoFi. I was amused on many levels, actually. Not all of them related to the link. Though I did think the link was funny. Thanks for posting it. Among other things, the link reminded me of a conversation I overheard between a couple of friends. Friend One: "Why do some men spend so much time grabbing their crotches?" Friend Two: "Testosterone gear shift."
  • **cough**
  • Hysterical and accurate. Bushco are a bunch of thugs and wanna-bes.
  • Wasn't able to access the link. Is there a mirror?
  • The Torrent.
  • thanks, cali. Must go check out that "Counter Convention" now.
  • Sorry, zedediah. Lesson learned: "search comments." Although, I did beat MeFi by 2 minutes! Does that count for something...? Nah, forget it...
  • This was posted as a comment. I didn't think that qualified as a double.
  • Hello? What the heck? Is this normal? Not even an explanation or an email? What you people do for fun! Ugh. Bye, Monkies! Enjoy your bananas.
  • huh?
  • I hope he's kidding. I liked this post and his nickname.
  • What did he get upset about? I completely missed it. If he did spit the dummy then that has to be a rather sensitive person, or a crazy. But then, aren't we all? I couldn't watch the vid from either link, unfortunately.
  • Hookers got chucked in the "deleted posts" bin for a few hours because tracicle (under the influence of Zed and doubtless pressed for time) thought it was a double post. I wrote him a nice email several hours ago which has received as yet no response. If he wants to come back, fine, if not, too fragile. I'm not writing another one saying "look, dude, your post is back on the FP!"
  • Ah. I was confused myself.
  • What you people do for fun!
  • tracicle under the influence of Zed Don't know how I did it, but I promise to only use this for good. Mwa-ha-ha!!! (goes off to practice new monkey powers)
  • Zed...worst NZ band ever. *shudders*
  • And thanks Wolof, I was having a busy day yesterday and only had time for a quick scan of posts, so I didn't pick up that zedediah had linked to a comment, not a post. And hopefully H & B will return - I didn't think taking something off the front page could taken so dramatically!