August 15, 2004

Anal seepage (ah no).
NSFW (surprise!)
  • Quiznno's is really pushing the envelope with this commercial. But why no mention of the product and only the side effects of eating there?
  • Quizno's, too, even...
  • pivo: eh? What does "flange" mean, in this context?
  • I'm sure that our granchildren will someday read FOIA reports where, along with JFK's death complete with grassy knoll diagrams, all those numbers shortwave stations and all these weird flash anims will be unmasked as black-op psychological weapons. Designed to trigger sleeping agents with code words and images. Or alert operatives' calls and names. Or just inflict fear on the enemy. Or spread gangrene from within. Or sell shoes, or powdered soap, or greenpeace memberships, or... /flagpole is slapped on the face, hard three times by friend s.s.o. If I dream tonight with cuddly seals, I'll wake up screaming, that's for sure...
  • (Has nothing to do with Quiznos, fyi.) OH MY GOD THAT WAS BRILLIANT. And I soooooo call that little rat dude singing "Hallelujah!" and forksy should be the bouncy "ah no!" dude, s'il le plait
  • Just saw it again........ that is definitely the funniest thing i've ever seen flange means vaginaSO ANYWAY who's with me!???????? funniest thing ever????? yeah.
  • Joel Veitch's animation pretty much creeps me right heck out. No explanation for it - it just does. Aside from that, it doesn't seem terribly inventive, either. it's just more of the same stuff he's always been doing.
  • flange shit scrote anal seepage ah no = athenian torch leaps fogless aegean Yes, I should have been asleep an hour ago...
  • Huh. He's done better.
  • Ah, Pivo, pearls before swine, eh?
  • I can never tell if Veitch's work has an ending, or if it is just on some loop that will play over and over and over. It's only funny to me for the first 78 seconds, but I admire his commitment to draw it out to a full three. I want more Spongemonkeys. Even if they are a sell-out.
  • I fully realize it was not for Quizno's. For those who don't know, I was just alluding to's recent work on a few of their commercials based on this song and these characters. Bluestone's link has an article about it, anyone able to find the commercials proper? I half-heartedly looked, but no dice.
  • Wow, pee-pee, doo-doo, ca-ca jokes for adults.
  • giggle. you said "ca-ca".
  • Monkeyfilter: Designed to trigger sleeping agents with code words and images
  • ...Or spread gangrene from within.