August 15, 2004

spreading gangrene from within "Imitate me, midlevel executives, white-collar workers, neo-slaves, the damned of the tertiary sector," Ms. Maier calls in her slim volume, which is quickly becoming a national best seller. She argues that France's ossified corporate culture no longer offers rank-and-file employees the prospect of success, so, "Why not spread gangrene through the system from inside?"
  • I'm sure I posted this in a thread somewhere, but I'm rooted if I can find it ... URL search would clear all this stuff up ...
  • At least there is no pretence of pay to go with the pretence of work. $2,000 a month for 20 hours a week is something any peon get get behind.
  • "Why not spread gangrene through the system from inside?" To what end?
  • The smell is nice. Could I get one of those 2,000 buck a month jobs please?
  • Is that before or after taxes?
  • Right on, Ms. Maier. "Why not spread gangrene through the system from inside?" To what end? Currently, the system rewards poor treatment of employees. The spread of "gangrene" is the reward the system gets for it's casual disregard to towards the workers it walks on.
  • My sister-in-law works at El
  • / endorphins talking rant When I was young, used to think only the foolish, the stupid people could be happy. Now I know better. It takes a lot of intelligence, of maturity, of courage to be happy. Not in the 'pink-tinted glasses' way, but in the 'yes, I know the world is wallowing in shit, but this is what I'm doing, and I'm enjoying it while I can, with as many as I can' way. Life isn't fair. Never was, never will. Ok, I'm sure next monday, when I have to scrap the design I toiled over a week in favor of the pedestrian, stupid, rote, done-to-death option the higher-ups have commanded us to implant and use, I'll think different. But I'll do it all with a smirk on my jaded face. /back to your coherent commentaries
  • This is nothing new... Pagan Kennedy coined the term quitting in place back in the 90's for precisely this kind of attitude.
  • Just think how little work she would do if she joined MoFi.