August 15, 2004
We need more disease specific stem cell lines.
Irving Weissman is also featured in a new article on stem cell research in California (PDF) by Chris Mooney.
But Fark told me there's still no cure for cancer. You mean they lied?!?
Who ever would have guessed that the ever-expanding and garrulous Robert Smith--the David Crosby of new wave--and his band would be linked to stem cells? Oh wait.
That's why Bush opposes it. He hates the Cure. Joy Division, on the other hand... (NSFW)
Cell wars
Joy Division, on the other hand... Holy moly, it's Dita and Dubya gittin' kinky! Woohoo!
Election: Science Plays Politics
Cloning Kerry's Friend or Foe?
Stem cell breakthrough on cystic fibrosis
The scientists behind Dolly the sheep apply for a license to clone human embryos. They want to take stem cells from the embryos to study Lou Gehrig's disease.
An obscure amendment attached to an appropriations bill could throw a wrench into John Kerry's plans to reverse President Bush and fund embryonic stem-cell research.
As a type I diabetic and godless secular humanist, I am all for advancing our scientific knowledge through stem cell research. It's about time we cured something again. Like diabetes, for instance. However, 20 years ago by TenaciousPettle
PREVIEW, DAMMIT! Gah. Here's the link: All about Dr. Faustman's Research *so ashamed*
Cancer Stem Cells Could Cause Tumors, Be Key to Cure
Cancer Stem Cells May Not Be the Supervillains We Thought