August 14, 2004

This site is a priceless resource for all interested in the semiotics of fried chicken sales. And in the study of manky take-aways riddled with salmonella and rat faeces.
  • This site answered my Question of the Day: Just how many pictures of chicken restaurants can one look out before losing interest? The answer: not many. I did rather like the little list of rules at the top, though.
  • This is very good. Thank you Wolof! I'm still laughing at the final "Kent's tuck inn fried chicken". The Bad Language section is good too.
  • from the Bad Language section: Let's talk phone numbers. People who say "0207" deserve a painful death. People who spend money updating their shopfronts to read "0207" deserve a very painful death. UK or anglophile monkeys please enlighten: what is "0207"? My google-fu is fubar. Muchas gracias.
  • There is some discussion of the 0207 thing here. Near as I can gather, English phone numbers are actually eight numbers, and not seven (as shown in that photo). So, the phone number should be 020 7485 7247 instead of the 0207 485 7247. This is just a guess.
  • Before they decided to change the area code for London again, we had 0171 (inner London) and 0181 (outer). The phone number in the photo would have been 0171 485... However, the last change split the area code into two parts: 020 for london and then 7 or 8 depending on where you are. So from inside london you would have to dial 7485 for that shop and 020 7485 from outside. Why writing it 0207 is enough to get somebody angry enough to kill is beyond me.
  • In that "Scamming the Scammer" fiasco where the G4 laptop dudes were staking out the parcel shop in London, didn't they joke about the "New Jersey Chicken" thing that was next door?
  • Many thank's, Wolof. Form the "bottom" of my hart.
  • Thanks trey & mr cow! I learned something new today.
  • Did any of my fellow monkeys happen to catch more monkeys at the site? Oh, and thanks for the FPP, Wolof -- very unique.
  • i love the british spelling of 'faeces.'
  • That shit'll tear your faec off.