December 24, 2003

Why Does Somebody Hate Todd R. Baker of Akron, Ohio? (Via Pop Culture Junk Mail)
  • (Hint: never give a pal your credit cards...)
  • Jim Loy sent you this link, didn't he?
  • Jim Loy doesn't get mad. Jim Loy get's even.
  • Get's? Shoot me now.
  • Who's Who in Montana (Butte-Bozeman Commercial Corridor) Mister Jim T. LOY, Certified Union Rep. of Local WMGG (Wal-Mart- Greeter- Group) #389; Emeritus, Shop-Rite Booster Bagger of the Year ("Cans on da bottom, Breads on da Top!); Butte Model Plane Club Vice-President; P-Nut BriT-L Salesman Regional Director; "Mr. Spoons"-- area children's performer; Drywall and Crawlspace Contractor (silent partner w/ sister Eugenia "Gene" Ray); I can vouch that ol' Jim Loy has not traveled outside of Montana from March of 94 until the present, what with that House Arrest County Anklet zapper thingy on his left leg the good one). But if you wanna come back behind the Old Mill to discuss it, Jim tells me that his 4-H kids usually clear out before dusk...
  • I wonder how Jim Loy feels when he googles himself and these pages of baseless slander appear?
  • We monkeys get indexed? *off to check*
  • "Indexed"? That is a good thing, like candy, yes?
  • Indexing is again closed. While MonkeyFilter goes through another bout of labor pains, it's time to repost and relink to better foster the slashdotting. During that time Googlebots can suck it.
  • Told me that for my birthday he sent away for a Bobble-head created to look like me. I never got it. DAMN YOU TODD R. BAKER!!!!!! DAMN YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!
  • And a petty criminal as well, not so good there.