December 23, 2003
Santa: Demon-Fighter, or Shroom-Eating Mystical Shaman Guy?
- A revolutionary film was released in 1959 that features Santa as an All-Seeing Eye who lives atop a silver cloud and battles Lucifer for children's souls. Luckily, that is only one interpretation of the man in red.
Others find him to be a mushroom-smoking, urinating magical celestial shaman whose pseudo-sexual, pre-Christian heritage is preserved in many of our present day holiday traditions.
Just the other day, my dad told me that if you rearrange the letters in Santa, you can spell S-A-T-A-N.
Happy Festivus, everyone!
Via Scrubbles and Reality Carnival.
evil, evil, evil
I believe that Dana Carvey (in his Church Lady persona - SNL in the late 80's) first warned your father of Santa's anagram. Mike Baron (BADGER #70, c. 1991 - eschewing self-link) interpreted him as a hard-assed biker type, popping pills to see him through the long night, and pulling the chain of the Canadian Air Force while passing through their airspace. Pete Abrams (SLUGGY FREELANCE - no link necessary, I trust) interpreted him as a super-speed-enhanced supernatural figure, recently mutated into a Gigeresque creature with a vulnerability to Nerf weapons. So many Santas, all terrifying.
Thanks for the additional info, goetter! Yes, you have pegged Santa correctly.
No, no, no. David Sedaris was the first person in the history of the world to figure out that Santa is an anagram for Satan.
See, this poor guy was just probably just trying to celebrate the ancient Christmas urine consumption tradition with a modern twist. He's a victim of the War on Drugs and the War on Christmas!
must. resist. obvious. catchphrase... Aw, fuck it. Santa is an anagram for Satan. The theological implications are staggering.
Rare Exports, Inc. (NSFW)
Phooey. Here's another link.
That was beautiful, H-dogg! The guy playing F.C. is awesome.
Yeah, it's really well done. Cracks me up everytime. In other news: Santas warned 'ho ho ho' offensive to women
Santa’s Crimes Against Humanity
The War on Saturnalia
e-sheep is gone? Fuck.
Santa Freed!
First Dec. 25 Xmas Tied to Pagan Shrine
Ontological Terrorism for the Holidays
Ancient Mythic Origins of the Christmas Story
Santa Claus is cut out your heart
Here's the original short film again.
Reindeer are the only mammals that can see ultraviolet light
Why Do Santa's Reindeer Fly?
Sounds deep.
Once again the old links are broken, so here's a new one: Rare Exports Inc.