December 23, 2003

Senate Authorized the Use of Force Against Netherlands The Senate has authorized force against one of our allies.
  • Strategery. -insert animated gif of disembodied leg kicking Bush in the butt as his cowboy hat flies up-
  • "It will probably not get to the point where the U.S. will actually invade the Netherlands"... heh.
  • also note dateline of Thursday, June 13, 2002
  • for more information, google "American Servicemembers' Protection Act"
  • Couldn't countries just set up some sort of international court to deal with things like this...oh wait...
  • About damn time, if you ask me. Dutch bastards! *prepares to liberate valuable stores of Heineken and Grolsch*
  • Grolsch? Eugh, that stuff comes pretty close to qualifying as a wmd. It might be a pretty tough battle, what with thier elite tactical snowboarding units.
  • Grolsch ver good beer.
  • Are you implying we Americans (non-americans naturally exluded from this comment) have good beer? Of course linking national power to brew skill might not be that bad. While the Bud vs Groslch match drags on the rest of the world will turn into the 1890s. Germany and Great Britain will be superpowers. Then, in an odd twist, Ireland will conquer both of them.
  • And the Czechs would be the greatest power humanity has ever seen.
  • The Empire of Pils shall not fall!
  • Of course linking national power to brew skill might not be that bad. Wisconsin and its myriad microbreweries would probably secede.