December 23, 2003

Jack Webb, Hippie Skullthumper - Jack Webb, the star of Dragnet, died this day in 1982 of a heart attack. But did you know in his early days he hated hippies and communists? I mean this entirely in a good way.
  • Hm. What is this site? Why does Tommy Lee show up in both the Jack Webb and Joan/John Cusack articles? Didn't Jack Webb make an LP? Did Al Capp ever find true love? Jocularity!
  • Wouldn't you like to know...
  • "Drugs are bad, because if you do drugs, you're a hippie. And hippies suck."
  • Anybody who actually watched one or more episodes of Dragnet - the 1960's version - would react to this topic with: "Did Jack Webb hate hippies and communists?" "Is the Pope Polish?" "Do Bears Use Charmin In the Woods?" "Are earthquakes as bad for quaint California small towns as 9-11 was for New York City?" "Do hippies suck?" (Actually, I have no first-hand evidence for that last one... must get a research grant...)
  • I can still sing the march that opened Dragnet. duh-duh-DUUUUHHHH, duh-duh-Duh-duh-DUUUUHHHH
  • So, you've hired a hippie...
  • He was great in The Men.
  • He was great in The Men.
  • So good I posted it twice.