August 09, 2004
Water bears!
No, this isn't a double post; these bears are microscopic critters who slurp the innards of plant cells. Water bears dwell in oceans, ponds, swamps, caves, and backyards from Sweden to South Africa to Bloomington, Illinois. You may think these amazing little jelly-bags are extremophiles but they're really just waiting for something better.
Also known as tardigrada ("slow walkers") and moss piglets, their smooth gyrations and sexy videos have inspired not one but two geek bands.
Oh god, it's true. Beneath my "cool kid" exterior beats the heart of an ubergeek. And now I am revealed to you in all my naked shame -- too geeky for MonkeyFilter, even! Sigh.
Back when I was a tiny spore, tardigrades were my second favorite protozoan. (Volvox was number one.) You want "too geeky"? What sort of kid do you think has a favorite protozoan? Anyway, who knew that tardigrades had fan sites? [banana with big Rick Moranis horn-rimmed glasses]
WTF... They actually look cute! Weird protozoans!
We had to look at these under microscopes at Outdoor School... auuugh, bad memories.
The video in particular is fantastic! )))
So they aren't really protozoans (Protista). So sue me. I was nine years old. I think "Cambrian Explosion" would make a great band name.
I never got why they were called water bears. They sort of look like naked mole rats to me. Good find though. )
I'm too polite to mention the protozoan thing... Protista would be a good name for a neo-punk band. I totally heart naked mole rats, especially as seen in Fast Cheap & Out of Control.
We kept the Moss Piglets in the parlour... Because they're Atlantean, too.
Water Bears In Spaaaaace!
Five Creatures That Prove Life Could Exist On Other Planets (Or In Space)