August 09, 2004
Curious George: Avoiding what I deserve.
So I woke up today after having a wholesome Sunday composed for the most part of body paint, Stolichnaya and ginger beer, and was wondering if there was anyway to prevent the headaches/slowness of mind/cramps/faint hallucinations often experienced the morning after such activities now that I'm at work today and trying to be a responsible adult. Please help me. This is unbearable. AND MY COWORKERS MUST NOT KNOW. Currently alt-tabbing between this and excel.
dogmonkeypassed outwent to bed. No options here at work. Tylenol and water have already gone down the gullet, to little effect. Thus, looking for a lunchtime option. Should I go for: a) a hearty German lunch, of either sausage on a bun loaded with sauerkraut, or burger Cordon Suisse, being their regular burger stuffed with ham and swiss; or, b) Chinese. Which is likely to be Msglicious. I need to stop feeling my hair grow.