August 09, 2004
Gmail or Gawab mail?
1 GB of email?
I got a 2GB aventura email account a little while ago. It stopped allowing me to log in after a week. I think I will stick wivh Google, for now.
There's also walla mail (1 GB).
A friend of mine is happy with spymac. I'm happy with Google.
Having used GMail for a few weeks now, I can say that the storage capacity is going to have very little to do with GMail becoming the webmail provider of choice. All you hear about is the 1GB of storage, but that's pretty much inconsequential to the superior user interface, search & sort capabilities and general ease of use that GMail offers.
Yeah, but GMail can't turn off images, which means that if you open a spam with images, you verify the address to the spammer. It's a weakness that I hope Google address soon.
O, and if you really haven't received any Gmail invites until now: You can try to click here.
Nice one, mare. I believe I have one invite left, but it's next to impossible to get rid of them nowadays.
skrik: external images aren't displayed by default on gmail. perhaps they fixed it since you last looked?
beniamino: images embedded into email open automatically in my gmail account, whereas attached images don't.
hmm... now i'm confused. for me, if the image is attached (i.e. there's a mime attachment with a .gif or something in it), i see the image. but, if there's just an [a href=...] link to a gif on some server, i just get a broken image link. i think that means i'm safe from the evil spammers tracking me -- presumably it's the second kind of image that's used for tracking. am i wrong?
Ditto on the invites. I've got five or six of the damned things.