August 08, 2004
the manusripts
The genius who gave us three laws of motion wrote even more about the Apocalypse and the Whore of Babylon. Eventually, all of his work -- about 10 million words -- will be on the Web
This will be an exciting resource for history dorks like myself. I've read about some of these, but have never seen them in print. Good find!
Yes, thanks, gonzo, for an excellent post.
*clears throat points unobtrusively* don't get me wrong it's a great site and clearly people haven't seen it before so the post shouldn't be deleted but just you know feel like tootin' the ole horn catch my drift
btw hi gonzo!
my bad, didn't realize twas a double. thought the site was pretty damn new......
And I saw it before, d'oh!
Great site, I'm happy to see I'm not the only one interested in that sort of thing!
I declare that Isaac Newton can be posted every three months, unless those interested in the subject keep the link in the side bar that long. But, I have no authority.
Still a nice post.
yeah, sorry for the callout I am ashamed of myself
It's your special thing, PF. I rely on you, you know.
Hi, gonzo!