December 23, 2003

Must... post... this...
  • Amusing and Sad. To be anal though, they shouldn't include heroin in that list. It's mostly meth.
  • Maybe it's the whole holiday thing, but that truly breaks my heart. That poor, poor woman. And her family. On reflection - especially her family.
  • Arise Sir Keef!
  • Let me see if I can do this right this time. Another drug addict makeover.
  • Kewl.
  • Dude, stop motion takes hundreds of pictures - there are only like 9 here . . or something. Speilberg is gonna totally pass on that.
  • I don't much care for the site owner's nasty comments about his ex.
  • Wow. It's the Keith Richards makeover.
  • If you click on pyrrthon1's link, do NOT, repeat, do NOT click on "Dead Bodies" if you plan on eating for the rest of the week. NSFAnyone.
  • Ah, remember this post too, but apparently didn't feel the need to comment on it. I do like the idea of the NSFA tag (Not Safe for Anyone).