December 22, 2003

Stop! I'm under arrest! I had always thought that self-arrest was best performed with an ice axe. Nice to see a PD with a public sense of humor. [via B3ta]
  • Gotta do it-- DOUBLE POST! I'm having difficulty accessing the December archives right now, but I posted this about 10 to 12 days ago, if memory serves... Just a reminder---running a new fpp through the search app. is going to become more important as we grow bigger. (confession: I thought giving the "Do-Po" shoutout would feel good, but I feel kinda dirty instead...)
  • Oh God! Our first double post! We have matured...
  • We have matured Hopefully, not into our evil wasted twin.
  • I was just looking for that, pyrrthon1 ... to post in the other thread. It's a total classic. PS
  • Shit, how did I do that? I'll go ahead and put it over there if someone hasn't done so yet.
  • Wolof-- Evidence of previous double-posts intrigues me; please amplify?
  • Search the archives, you fat sack of shit. Is that loud enough?
  • PS, Merry Christmas!
  • Dearest Wolof; I quickly reviewed November but found nothing doubled up. And I still can't access December. Would you be so kind as to share more of your thoughts regarding my question, and as a bonus, perhaps give me a couple of hints on proper comment-posting ettiquette?
  • Hint 1: don't double-post your own links, especially after I fixed the damn URL for you, Dora Dammit Dare. Hint 2: I am not, contrary to appearances and my own pretentions, Emily Post-it. Hint 3: I got a new (well, new to me) computer today, so I am happy as Mr Pig in Shit. So, if I seem cranky, it's actually an excess of exuberance. Do not be fooled.
  • Dearest, Dearest Little Wolof; Congratulations on your new machine. If your "exhuberance" makes me feel this warm and fuzzy, I can only imagine how pleasant you'll be on "cloud 9". Seek help.
  • Send grog, asshat.
  • I kid because I love. Please do not be offended. And while you're up, check your dictionary for "exhuberance". Mine has no entry for this. If any of this shits you, you have my email address. Go on, moan!
  • Your bizarre and persistant disrespect is obviously designed to annoy me. I AM annoyed. I think maybe you were trying to be funny at first, in some odd ''let's bond by being rude to each other" way, but I don't like it. I certainly don't deserve it. You will apologize, please?
  • Sorry, Diz. I didn't mean to be mean.
  • PS
  • Apology requested, apology given...This may be the first time I've ever seen that on the internet.
  • Oops. Where's the prior post? I searched, but found nothing.
  • If it makes any difference, I think you're all asshats. Fuckers.
  • Fuckers. Hooray! One step more to total metafilteration.
  • You can tell its Christmas by just how damn angry everyone is. I love the holidays. Merry Christmas all!!!
  • Om
  • Wow. That's it, I'm going back to MetaFilter. But while I'm here: I always thought self-arrest was best performed by Black Bart.
  • Thanks for the mea culpa, Wolof.
  • My pleasure, Diz.
  • Wow, our first double post. *Erects historic marker sign*