August 06, 2004
The View Master
Childhood memories of making images come to life with the viewmaster were never as good as this!
what an incredible artist! "A packed audience of 380 people at the Guild Theater in Portland were treated to a live Lucifugia Thigmotaxis experience. Each was given a viewmaster viewer and a set of four Vladmaster reels. The soundtrack was played over the theater sound system and all 380 people followed the adventures of a cockroach named Stanley through narration, music, sound effects and ding noises to cue the advancing of the reels."
Am I missing something? Is there anything to actually experience at the site, or is it just plugs for the guy's product/performances? In which case, it hardly seems postworthy.
languagehat, whatever 'tis, I seem to be missing it, too.
I liked it - particularly the Italo Calvino set. I also like Viewmasters too, so it may be nostalgia speaking.
I really had no opinion about viewmasters, but like ilyadeux, I liked the Calvino set. Or maybe just because I like the book.
So, uh, can anybody give me a link to whatever it is that's being looked at? Languagehat, Beeswacky, and I seem to be missing the actual contents of the page. All I can see is advertising and a bit of "proof of concept".
I dunno. I watched the video clip (.mov) with an excerpt from the cockroach show. Not terribly impressed, unfortunately.