December 22, 2003

Do you like rollercoasters? Probably not as much as this guy. As well as developing rollercoaster simulation programs, he actually went and spent $5,500 building his own. Takes all sorts.
  • Dang. Nothing brings out my perennial inner-12-year-old like a home-made coaster. I vote this guy Coolio 2003.
  • Wait wait! There's more! Here's someone who built a personal Monorail (What'd I say? Monorail! What's it called? Monorail!) system in his backyard. And we oughtn't forget this contribution to the homemade roller coaster phenomenon! Or John Ivers, who seems to have started the crazy trend.
  • my initial reaction : I wouldn't ride a $5,500 dollar roller coaster even if I made it. second reaction : it's actually, uh, kinda cute. Still not riding it, though. Dizzy : maybe retro Coolio 2002?
  • The fact that it only cost him $5,500 seems scary to me. I'd hope he's spent another $50k on medical insurance before getting on. I love rollercoasters and all, but I don't have the creativity to design my own even when I'm playing Rollercoaster Tycoon... I still like Space Mountain at Disneyland the most. And the Giant Dipper at the Santa Cruz Boardwalk.
  • f8xmulder: See? SEE? THAT'S what happens when you properly research a link.
  • boo_radley-- 2002... 2003... I'm not sure what day it is, let alone the year. Anybody see that hilarious 'Welcome Back, Kotter" last night?
  • Dang, I was just caught up with the monorail link. Now if only he had designed it with human-sized people in mind...