August 05, 2004

Will She or Won't She? Categorically denying that there will be an eighth Harry Potter book does not mean there won't be an eighth Harry Potter book. Funnily enough, there is no mention of an eighth Harry Potter book on the author's homepage.
  • Third link no workee.
  • Well, she's always said that she has the plots worked out for the seven novels, but has no plans to continue the character's stories outside of Harry's time at Hogwarts. This eighth book doesn't seem to change that - indeed, she's already done one other charity book which does pretty much the same thing, taking ideas that didn't make their way into the books which give a little more background. For example, it reveals that Crookshanks is half Kneazle. I have no idea what that previous sentence means.
  • Kneazles and Crookmonkeys can actually interbreed. The genitalia are perfectly compatible, I know from personal experience but the odds of producing a crookshanks are very high. Of course, most crookshanks are infertile but like the monkey love anyway. I know from personal experience.
  • The rumors of an eighth fiction book seem mostly generated in the humid imaginations of Potter fans that want a book with a teenage Hermione and Harry doin' it, maybe so they can keep up with the Joneses (or The Amber Spyglass in this case).
  • The third link.
  • Alright, time to out myself, if I haven't before: I'm a rabid Harry Potter fan. Next time y'all want answers (though I'm getting the feeling that Skrik is a fan too), just come to me. ;) Flashboy has it mostly right - if there's anything past the planned novel-per-schoolyear, it'll be more charity books. She's written two, actually - the other one details the sport they play, Quidditch - and they are separate from the seven-book structure currently underway. Rumours of an 8th novel tend to come from the press, actually. The fans are much more pragmatic than that. Well, I won't speak for the fans who want to see Harry and Hermione together... (And Crookshanks is Hermione's cat. Kneazles are cat-like, but react to suspicious people or animals. This is vaguely important in terms of the plot of book three. And also way more info than any of you needed, I am sure.)
  • I know it's heresy to the fans, but I'm going to have to side with Todfox here. Rowling is a lot of fun, and I've enjoyed her books, but she ain't got nuthin' on Philip Pullman. Or, for that matter, Lemony Snicket.
  • (though I'm getting the feeling that Skrik is a fan too) Them's fighting words. I consider Ms Rowling nothing more of less than a publishing phenomenon to be studied. Whether her books are good or bad I will leave for others to debate. (Full disclosure: I have bought one Harry Potter book. I bought it for one of my daughters. She turned out to be too young to understand the story.)
  • I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- the perfect move after Harry leaves Hogwarts is for him to matriculate at Terry Pratchett's Unseen University. Wouldn't that ROCK?
  • scartol - no. Old school UU would just kill Harry; none of this wands at 15 paces nonsense, knife in the back and we liked it. *ahem* New school UU and Harry would get eaten alive by the ants in the High Energy Magic building (or killed by a 303 bookworm ricochet, though that's more likely to be Hermoine.)
  • I've got a Lemony Snicket proof copy. Maybe I should ebay it.
  • NERDS! NERDS! NERDS! </Alpha Beta Frat>
  • have pity on me! But it looks to me like the weekend means..... la la la la la la la la la Sorry, gone all giddy. Excellent.
  • When Monstrous Regiment came out last year, I did a review. Most interesting thing learned: Terry Pratchett novels are the most-shoplifted book in the United Kingdom, something like 7 years running. Would'a thought it'd be porn, but there you go: young punters know what they like.
  • Gosh. Monstrous Regiment is easily my least favourite Pratchett to date, though I wasn't to thrilled with the one before that either. Given that, I might not rush out and buy this one asap, instead, I may do a little judicious overviewing in the bookstore. No, really, I might.
  • I was all set to review Harry Potter 7, then the newspaper I write for changed literary editors and I got left out of the loop on that one. In a massively weak act of retaliation, I then didn't read the book on purpose. Take that, Sydney Morning Herald and Rich British Lady!
  • Or Harry Potter 5, or whatever that last doorstop I didn't read was called. *drowns "sorrows", forgets, cares nor a jot nor a tittle*
  • I've got a Lemony Snicket proof copy. Anybody want to offer me US$100 for it? *laughter, sound of crickets farting*
  • Includes freight!
  • ZOMG! Torrent pls! Are the lemony snicket books good? I'm poor and the library always seems to be out.
  • Fucking Harry Potter. EVERY FUCKING BILLBOARD in Paris now has a Harry Potter ad. The dumbshits who produce this pablum must have spend squillions on marketing. I hope the silly bint kills Harry Potter very very dead in book seven.
  • Can I say that I think the Harry Potter hype is as bad as the Paris Hilton hype? You may now fling things at me.
  • wow all these Harry Potter haterz. I'm excited about the new movie & book. I'd rather look at Harry Potter on a billboard than some 10-ton SUV or a bank ad.
  • Fuyugare, please, PLEASE be careful what you wish for. The only thing worse than a live Harry Potter is a ZOMBIE HARRY POTTER!!!