August 05, 2004

Crime Scene Cleaners. Thought the Police were responsible for cleaning the brains off the wall? You thought wrong. Niel Smither talking about his first days on the job and an older but better article. [obviously if you're not a fan of words like "putrid" please don't click]
  • Cool link! I think I saw this company on Mythbusters, when they consulted with Adam and Jamie about removing the smell of a rotten carcass from an automobile.
  • Have a friend who used to work for a company that specialized primarily in insurance clean ups. If a property owner claimed damage, primarily fire, the insurance company would call his crew to come clean things up. The best part was on commercial jobs everything in the fire damaged building or vehicle was written off, so the cleaning crew could help themselves to anything still working or relatively unscathed. The weirdest part was a home owner job where the woman who owned the house was a neat freak. When they arrived everything was already spotless, but she insisted on their cleaning everything from top to bottom. They didn't mind since they were getting paid, but found it a bit disconcerting as she sat and watched them the entire time.