August 05, 2004

Star Spangled Ice Cream
"Stay tuned as we introduce more new flavors like Donald Rum Raisin, GuantanaMocha, Kerry Ketchup Dough, Tank Tracks, Dutch (Reagan) Chocolate and Orange Alert Sherbet. (And don't forget your favorite flavors from the past -- Clinton Im-Peach, White House Fundraiser Coffee and Jimmy Carter Peanut Malaise.)" One ticket to France, please.
  • Feh, and I thought Ben and Jerry's flavors were stupid...
  • I'm more in the mood for a General Turgidson Fluoride-Free Sherbet.
  • Way too much time on their hands.
  • I've got some time but not so much pun power...Kofi's Creams, Rocky Rove, Hillary's Health Crunch, Mint-Chip Accomplished, Jack & Emma Eclair, Whitewater Chocolate, Monica's Raspberry Sorbet, Weapons of Mousse Distruction.
  • Whoever wrote "Guantanamocha" is going to hell.
  • Indeed, forksclovetofu. So is the person who wrote "Bananas Vince Foster."
  • Who's for some Abu Grape?
  • In a similar vein: W Ketchup "You don't support Democrats, Why Should Your Ketchup?"
  • Thanks, forky, for drawing to our attention this milestone in the ongoing politicization of foods in American life. O where will it all end?
  • Mint-Chip Accomplished OK, *that* was funny :)
  • 4 quarts for $76??? They can't be serious.
  • back when Radar still existed, they did a blind taste test with lefties and righties, featuring Star Spangled Ice Cream and Ben & Jerry' one like Star Spangled.
  • jimbecile: You mean... this isn't a joke site? *shudder*
  • Do they all have a bad aftertaste?
  • The AFA? American Family Ass.? Unfortunate acronym.
  • Should that be Schquirm?
  • Yes, that is so tacky. I can think of a lot of people who would miss the reference. B&J should have waited till Christmas and then released mint flavored Santa's Balls.