August 02, 2004
The abacus.
Great website devoted to the first mathematical calculator. If you've ever been curious about how they work, this should teach you all you need to know. A nice complement to the slide rule thread.
Aaaaigh! Another math thread! Die! *Blam!* Die abominable discipline! *Blam!* *Blam!*
But abaci are so pretty. /waiting for those in the know to tell me you don't pluralise abacus that way
One of the better Genesis albums.
ab·a·cus ( P ) Pronunciation Key (b-ks, -bks) n. pl. ab·a·cus·es or ab·a·ci (b-s, -bk) 1. A manual computing device consisting of a frame holding parallel rods strung with movable counters. good call jb :) Even if it is a representation of eeeeevil . . . *reloads*
No soup for you!
Hmmmm, Two Chinamen each had an abacus They got into a terrible fracas something, something help me out here
but they do have their drawbacks
Two Chinamen each had an abacus They got into a terrible fracas The boss said "Have no fear We'll have computers next year" So I think they're going to sack us! or something like that
Nice, thanks rolypolyman!
well, i'm confused. i have an abacus on my desk and it's what i'd always known as an abacus. by definition, i suppose, it is - but it doesn't look at all, like those ones. /goes to move hers away from the window, wistfully.