December 20, 2003

Monkeys! This Christmas, why not give your loved one some elephant dung?
  • And wot are the elephants getting from all this, eh?
  • ... The "slight odour" would probably put me off for now.
  • And wot are the elephants getting from all this, eh? Isn't it the satisfaction of doing a well done job?
  • *a monkey grin* It's very important to keep your elephants satisfied -- lest they pack their trunks and tiptoe away.
  • “There is a big run on them,” Mrs Hart said on Wednesday. Oh, God. Oh, God.
  • “There is a big run on them,” Mrs Hart said on Wednesday. Oh, God. Oh, God.
  • *laughs right out of chair*
  • Shucks, the link is dead.