July 29, 2004
is a collection of kaleidoscopic and tiled images of female nudes created by different artists. Be sure to check out the different sizes for the full-screen images. (NSFW if your boss can figure out what you are looking at.)
some: arresting visual affects. some: seriously creep me out, and becoming more creepy as I discern various body parts. Interesting art project though.
Yeah, it's interesting.. but I can't help feeling like it's just another form of female bodychopping.. Back on the display block, ladies..
I actually have a vaina, and none of those images desribe my feelings about it. Way stupid.
They are perhaps not there to describe your feelings about your vagina, path.
My vagina on the other hand
Your vagina's on the other hand? Wait, where's the original hand now?
I can explain - I'm a proctologist but this is my lunch hour.
Just remember to wash your hands.
You mean tentacles right?