July 26, 2004

Rebirth of a nation. How the 1954 World Cup final brought Germany back to life.

The Federal Republic of Germany came into existence in 1949 with the adoption of a temporary constitution under the leadership of the conservative Konrad Adenauer. The Wirtschaftswunder that led to Germany's stunning economic recovery had more to do with intact industrial assets and American aid than with footballing skills. Yet several established historians, among them Joachim Fest, are in no doubt that the Berne game marked the psychological turnaround - sparking the energy and the sense of togetherness that were needed to build the new country. In his eyes, 4 July 1954 was 'the true birth date of the Bundesrepublik '.

  • Great post! I'm just surprised the article doesn't mention one of the great moments in cinema, when Maria Braun has the game on at the climax of Fassbinder's Marriage of Maria Braun. I won't tell you what happens -- watch the movie! Zimmermann's climactic radio call in German:
    Boszik, immer wieder Boszik, der rechte Außenläufer der Ungarn, aber jetzt ... er hat den Ball verloren gegen Schäfer - Schäfer - hat nach innen geflankt - Kopfball - abgewehrt - aus dem Hintergrund müßte Rahn schießen - Rahn schießt - Toooooor!!! Tooooor!! Toooor!!! Tooooooooor!!! (Pause) - Tor für Deutschland, Linksschuss von Rahn, Schäfer hat die Flanke nach innen geschlagen, halten Sie mich für verrückt , halten Sie mich für Übergeschnappt ....3:2 für Deutschland und nur noch wenige Minuten zu spielen...
    And at the end:
    AUS AUS AUS, das Spiel ist Aus, Deutschland ist Weltmeister, schlägt Ungarn mit 3:2 Toren im Finale in Bern!
  • Wow. No soccer fans on MoFi, I guess. Too bad, but it's still a great link!
  • It didn't get any comments on Sportsfilter, either. Such a poor, lonely post... (I'll have to check out The Marriage of Maria Braun, languagehat. Sounds interesting. Is it as good as Escape to Victory...)
  • Wow. No soccer fans on MoFi What was Gary Lineker's line? Football is a game of twenty-two men and two halves. And in the end, the Germans win ;)
  • Wow. No soccer fans on MoFi, I guess. Too bad, but it's still a great link! You missed this fucking thread...
  • (I loved that thread by the way, read my comment as a praise.)
  • Jesus fucking cunting piss.
  • That thread was totally fucking weltmeister.
  • that thread makes me cry still