July 24, 2004
Curious George: Hosted server
I need some help from the monkeys here for finding a reliable hosted web server.
I need 40 GB of traffic a month, shell account access, MYSQL, and low latency for running a fairly busy phpBB board. I need some suggestions for a server that you know is fast and dependable, and isn't carrying 1999-era prices. In the past, I've used some hosted servers like Communitech.net which turned out to be running on severely overloaded racks, and I want to avoid this. Where should I be looking? Thanks!
I use Brinkster. I've never had any trouble with them.
I'm hep to the swells at wholesale internet. Tell 'em KJ sent ya and get the monkey filter special.
I asked a similar question a few months ago and got some very helpful responses. Hopefully some of those will work for you. My best bet: Dreamhost.
I was able to take advantage of 1 and 1's promo deal back in January, and I have to say, I love it. Deal's not good anymore, but they do have some good cheap packages. Very reliable. They take a out a four page ad in Wired every month.
Thanks everyone -- also to mfpb for pointing out the older thread.
For Thirty bucks a month, racknine has been taking good care of the Hut. 50 gigs of bandwidth is good enough for me to host music all month; I imagine you'll be okay. Customer service is VERY helpful; outages are extremely rare and their interface is simple enough that I can use it. They're recommended.
I use OLM for three domains (two work and one personal) and I'm pretty happy with them. Up-time is excellent and they offer all the features you mentioned. I wouldn't recommend them to everyone, since their learning curve for the neophyte webmaster is pretty steep, but the features are there and they have 24-hour live tech support. They offer a variety of plans, based on traffic and features. I believe they're entirely LAMP, so if you're a Microsoftie, they're probably not for you. For what it's worth, I disagree somewhat with the folks who are recommending Dreamhost. My experience has been that they're good for low-volume sites, and very good at helping new users set things up, but they slow down a lot under heavy load and at peak times. I moved one of our work sites from Dreamhost to OLM because of this. YMMV, of course.
hicinbaby's probably right. I've never needed much bandwith for my personal site (which is all I use it for) but if when you say 40GB bandwith you intend to *use all 40*, that's out of the league. Sorry about that