December 19, 2003
New weebls toon: Viva le pants!
(Possibly NSFW.)
Brock is beautiful! Hmmm...As to the (possibly) NSFW thingy, I suppose anything's possible -- John Ashcroft seems to find unclothed marble titilating, bizarre as that is to contemplate...
This MIGHT, just MIGHT qualify you for a Pop-Tarts Plen-T-Pak. Good work, Mr. H!
beeswacky, is that a quote from the comic book Miracleman?
*Googles, discovers "Rather Weird Heroes". Grins* I'm flattered.
Oh, jesus. My brain!
How about some of these on your ass?
Badgers do Euro 2004!
Curse those badgers!
Badger badger badger badger!