July 22, 2004

Let's talk body odor. Would you want to know?(via Obscure Store)

I'd definitely want to know, but only from a friend. Would I tell? I may leave some sort of hint-a bottle of Scope or a stick of industrial strength deodorant. But telling someone they stink? Not me.

  • Interesting article! I found this part kind of weird (or wierd, whichever you like best): One reason people have such an emotional response to smell is that the olfactory lobe, the part of the brain that does the smelling, is intertwined with the limbic system, which governs emotions. That's why in one study, college males administered powerful electric shocks to people they thought smelled bad Wouldn't life be great if you could just shock the shit out of annoying/offensive (physically, that is) people at random?
  • Thank you for not making this ("Let's talk body odor.") a Curious George. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Monkeys who like this might also like: Fetid Farmer Forcibly Freshened
  • Most of the people I think stink seem to be surrounded by secret service personnel etc so it would be difficult to make them submit to Compulsory Bath. Still, the Feotid Farmer Solution has figurative appeal for me. /Dept. of Vain Regrets.
  • I certainly hope my friends would tell me if I smelled bad. I tell them. It's like when you have a boogie hanging out, or something in your teeth. I'm always grateful for the "head's up."
  • Weezel, check your zipper.
  • This post reminded me of a site that used to be around that let someone send an anonymous email to a friend/coworker etc. letting them know about a potentially embarissing problem they may have. I couldn't find the original site, but this one seems to serve the same purpose.
  • I'm a little bemused that anyone would identify on any level whatsoever with a realdoll. Play on.
  • Why so, Wolof? They're really quite exquisite inventions. Though, I really thought they'd have become much more popular than they have in the last few years.
  • I find them creepy. But hey, that's just me and my anti-doll lifestyle.