July 22, 2004

Blair blames Chirac for war on Iraq. This just gets funnier.

Someone recently discussed the number of Straussians involved with the U.S. administration. To me, it looks like Tony has one or two advising him.

  • To say that Iraq would have behaved differently if France had joined in the US and UK ultimatum is ridiculous. The ultimatum - that Iraq destroy its WMD's - had already been complied with during the UN inspections of the 1990's, but the US and UK would accept neither Iraq's word (understandably) nor the evidence from renewed UN inspections. Indeed Mr. Powell displayed fabricated evidence of WMD programs at the UN. The goal was not to disarm Iraq but to install a Iraqi government more willing to submit to US and UK governments.
  • Of course it's the French's fault. It's always the French's fault. The Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte, the Somme, Dunkirk, and now the completely needless invasion of a sovereign state that will provide the US and all its allies with cut-price oil (if only the French would stop bombing the piplines, natch). The French made us do it, and silly things like a healthy grasp on reality will not change our conviction of this indisputable fact.
  • Wish I'd seen Chirac's reaction.
  • Not to mention that they don't even speak English. How sinister is that?
  • Tres tres sinistre.
  • The French made me eat that éclair, and that brie, and that delicious foie gras... Damn French.
  • sovereign state that will provide ...with cut-price oil As long as France can continue to delay UN actions against Sudan, and the Sudanese (arab muslim) can ethnically cleanse those Silly Christians (african) fast enough, they too will soon have its own sovereign state supplying cut-price oil. As was the case in Iraq, France also has significant oil interests in Sudan. WARNING: link is from the English
  • Blair is desperate and crazy. He's also completely out of touch if he thinks the Poms will buy this shit. Sure, they hate the French.. but they hate hypocrisy more. He's in deep shit.
  • Um, blogRot? You do realize that the "Silly Christians (african)" are actually a rebel group being funded by Uganda in retailiation for Khartoum's funding of a Christian rebel group called the Lord's Resistance Army, right? It's not as simple as you make it seem. At least, that is the case in the region where the oil interests lie. In Darfour, the people being slaughtered are Muslim.
  • Shh, shawn. No interrupting the daily 2 minutes of Hate for the French.
  • Nostildamus, he's not crazy, he's just an arrogant b*st*rd. Over here, Friday is the last day of Parliament, before the summer recess. Anything said by any of the government scumbags will be long forgotten by the time they and the rest of the useless wasters return from their three month break. Totally coincidentally, of course *cough* *cough*, the government chose this week to announce devastating cuts in the armed forces, large increases in reports of violent crime, and the imminent appointment of everybody's favourite politosleazebag, Peter Mandelson, to a nice cushy as an EU commisioner. Mandelson has had to resign twice as a minister so far, not that he's corrupt, you understand *cough* *cough*, but he's a pal of Tonys, so he deserves another chance. If I seem bitter, it's because I am.
  • ...Mr Chirac
  • You know, I can't say a single word in French without feeling like an idiot. The perfect example is "foie gras" -- I sound like I'm choking when I try to pronounce it correctly. But I love them anyway.
  • "Nostildamus, he's not crazy, he's just an arrogant b*st*rd." Being arrogant does not rule out mental illness. He has a serious personality disorder.
  • Well, from the US point of view, at least he can string a coherent sentence together.
  • He has a serious personality disorder. Well, like, Duh! He's a politician.
  • That's some great journalistic standards they got there at The Sun. Well, it is the Sun. A paper more famous for page three than any of the other content.
  • Blair got nothing but steel tariffs in return from Bush. He knew there were no WMDs. He's not as stupid as Bush. Blair got nothing America and he has become a joke in Europe. The only thing that's saving him is that the British hate the Tory Party more than him.
  • *blames the French* And, BTW, the only thing between Chirac and prosecution for corruption is the fact that he's Preznit. Which makes him immune. If he hadn't won the last election, he'd be toast.
  • Bill Maher on using France as an argument winner. Maher looks old. Has he been sick?
  • Mr Blair confirmed openly the belief of many of his closest supporters that he never used his position as America’s strongest ally to try to force Mr Bush down the diplomatic rather than the military route. A reversal of what was claimed at the time: Blair was meant to be the voice of moderation in Bush's ear. I thought at one point that I understood Blair, but I never really did.
  • Blair is just another evil piece of shit. He should hang from the end of a rope. I suppose you could argue he's insane.