July 21, 2004

Old English Computer Glossary It doesn't have monkey or filter, but it does have "ofostlic and unclænlic".

That's, er, "quick and dirty" to the rest of us.

  • [Banana]
  • [bænænæ]
  • bells and whistles belle and hwistle (fpl) I like that.
  • Hwaet?
  • cneomæglicgifhordonweald (m) - relational database management So that's what Chaucer was talking about. dogcow - hundcu (f) [bananas]
  • Supplies a long-felt want, it's delightful!
  • Like I've got half the English terms down yet! (gee, I hofen there's not going to be a tæst.)
  • And there was much rejoicing! This is extremely swell. It's surprising how much of it is understandable, if read aloud. (grennung, that is, smiley) Hwæt! and the Labyrinth are great sources for Early and Middle-English texts, for those wanting more. Iceland (and less successfully, France) does this sort of thing today, adapting older terms for modern use, so that foreign words don't creep into usage. It makes me wonder what English would look like if we did the same.