July 20, 2004
Ronstadt praises F9/11, all hell breaks loose.
Before singing "Desperado" for an encore Saturday night, the 58-year-old rocker called Moore a "great American patriot" and "someone who is spreading the truth." . . . some of the 4,500 people in attendance stormed out of the theater. People also tore down concert posters and tossed cocktails into the air.
Sorry for the twice-in-one-day posting, but this is too incredible to be believed. I wasn't clear on whether or not the Mercury News link would be around, so here's the Yahoo link too.
Oh, I guess it wasn't on the same day. Cheers!
...or was it? /frog-marches scartol out the door as various monkeys toss their cocktails at him
and here's the login stuff for mercurynews.com: Email => [email protected] Password => nopass
From the article: Before her concert, Ronstadt had laughingly told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that she hoped that the casino performance would be her last. “I keep hoping that if I’m annoying enough to them, they won’t hire me back,” she was quoted as telling the newspaper. So Linda knew exactly what she was doing. Both she and the Aladdin staff will look like heroes to their respective fans.
Here's Reuter's take. (via MSNBC) No login needed.
*is impressed by scartol's ability to tell the time*
Won't someone think of the cocktails??!!
Timins said "I fully support laying the groundwork for an unjust war and abusing children" before locking an elderly woman out of her suite for non-payment. okay, okay I made that up. Sheesh what a glitzy, rotating pile of feces. good post though, not knocking the post . . .
Elton attacks bullying US regime
Elton sucks up to other hereditary r
I can see getting upset when Desperado gets postponed for a few misplaced words of witlessness, but there's simply no need to take it out on the cocktails. *nods to i feel unusual, raises glass*
"Ms. Ronstadt was hired to entertain the guests of the Aladdin, not to espouse political views," the casino said. There seems to be a great deal of effort in some countries to say "don't mix ------- with politics", meaning to not mention something political where it might offend even the slightest invididual. If politics isn't mentioned then the government is free to become more secretive, people will not understand and they will not vote. If the mere mention of Michael More produces such a riotous reaction, I would say big brother has already won. Even so, I expect this "riot" was hardly as wild as the media wants us to believe.
Even so, I expect this "riot" was hardly as wild as the media wants us to believe.
There seems to be a great deal of effort in some countries to say "don't mix ------- with politics", meaning to not mention something political where it might offend even the slightest invididual. How much do you want to bet she wouldn't have been kicked out if she'd said Michael Moore was an ass and 'President' Bush was doing a great job?
don't she know? insanity to shout "liberal" in a country theater! instant death and suffering! and pompous, self-righteous asses who blow things out of proportion! good for ronstadt. i was afraid that everyone who sings country had forgotten what country was supposed to stand for in the first place. these days the country "rebels" wearing black and invoking mr. cash and mr. hank williams' names are "rebelling" against the system by backing bush. why does her name look like it's spelled incorrectly even when it isn't?
So, Ms. Ronstadt is allowed to exercise her freedom of speech (on her employer's dime, to boot) but the audience is not? Freedom of speech for me but not for thee isn't freedom at all.
There seems to be a great deal of effort in some countries to say "don't mix ------- with politics", meaning to not mention something political where it might offend even the slightest invididual. It's not about worrying over offending individuals, it's knowing that politics can be a divisive subject and understanding that discussion of politics has a proper place and time. Basically, it's about having a sense of decorum - which, I'm sorry to say, is a word that a great many people have never heard before, let alone used.
i was afraid that everyone who sings country had forgotten what country was supposed to stand for in the first place. When music has to "stand" for something besides sounding good? It overwhelmingly sucks.
Good find Wolof. *beep* non-issue detected. Initializing spin cycle. *beep*
But non-issues are my favorite! *sulks*
I am offended that a fellow monkey would describe Ronstadt as a "rocker." This is a woman that has butchered Elvis Costello and Warren Zevon songs.
So he trumped up the scene to justify kicking her out for voicing her opinions, and wouldn't even let her back to her room. Whaddacreep.
In case anyone missed Wolof's link (or was too lazy to click): My wife & I were at the Linda Ronstadt performance in question, at the Aladdin in Las Vegas, and quite frankly, Aladdin President Bill Timmins' account of what happened is complete crap. There was mixed booing and cheering at Ronstadt's pro-Michael Moore comment, and that was about the extent of the "bedlam" that supposedly broke out. I saw no posters being torn down or cocktails being thrown in the air, and if people stomped out of the theatre unhappy, it was because 1) that was the last song Ronstadt performed; it was her encore; and 2) she mainly sang her standards repertoire, with the Nelson Riddle orchestrations, and a large part of the crowd wanted to hear more of her rock-'n'-roll stuff; she got the biggest round of applause for doing a lackadaisical run-through of her version of "Blue Bayou." Frankly, my suspicion is that Timmins is way overdramatizing what happened, in order to justify giving Ronstadt the boot. It simply wasn't that big a deal. So there you have it. As for her being a rocker, in general I agree with Sullivan but I would add that "Different Drum" kicks ass.
Hmm, I like "Different Drum" a great deal too, but does it truly kick ass? I'm not sure what its ass-kicking quotient (AKQ) is. Who do we contact about determining the AKQ? Toby Keith?
I've always thought AKQ was determined by measuring the kickedness of one's own ass. Perhaps if we could collectively sum and average the level of kick over a sample ass population...? We're gonna need caution live frogs for this.
As for her being a rocker, in general I agree with Sullivan but I would add that "Different Drum" kicks ass. And that song was written by a Monk(ee)y.
The circle will be complete when we have a politically-charged riot at a Celine Dion concert, and a bunch of neo-fascist country stars declare a cultural war on Canada.
ass kicking quotient: damn i think i need mathML to do this properly. ok excuse my lack of appropriate symbols. let a represent asses to be kicked. let t^k represent time spent for subject to kick one ass. ass-kicking quotient (AKQ) for any subject thus may be represented as follows: ∞ AKQ = ∑ t^kn * an n=0 heck this would be easier if monkeybashi allowed me to use proper markup and CSS to do subscripts and stuff.
basically as asses approach infinity, the ability of any one individual to kick ass decreases dramatically as a function of the ass-kicking ability of that one individual. it is accepted wisdom by most scientists that the maximum number of asses kicked in a given period of time can be achieved by combining the ass-kicking ability of several people who truly kick ass. thus, three beastie boys and mr. t combined have a much higher AKQ than any of them do independently. and judging by the current buildup of asses we seem to be experiencing lately, both at home and abroad, i'd say it's about time we let those who are about to kick ass combine their forces into one huge, all-powerful ass-kicking machine of justice, ready to dole out a major can of whoop-ass. (or kick ass, as the case may be.)
Interesting approach. I might have pursued a definite integral, but I admire your logic here.
TS & P: that unfortunately would require people with more than one brain cell to actually attend a celine dion concert. can't see it happening, really.
I am disappointed in your lack of faith, cls (though I cannot disagree). I think a US culture-war on Canada might do great things for Canadian solidarity and national identity. As long as, you know, you keep your solider boys and girls at home -- they'd kick our ass.
WHAT! your declaring war on Canada!
It isn't even a real country anyway /Sheila Broflovski
Sully -- the "rocker" claim comes from the original article, not me..
For those about to kick ass, we salute you.
isn't 'Canada' the Maple State?
I believe you'll find that's actually spelt "Canadia", blogrot. [e.g.]
For those about to Nelson Riddle Orchestra, we salute you. Sully -- the "rocker" claim comes from the original article, not me.. Understood.
For those about to M.O.R., we salute you. (Anybody else here old enough to remember the M.O.R. radio format? Besides Linda Ronstadt?)
Monkey On the Road? (And I thought I was the only one with the Beasties & Mr. T album. Talk about a sterophonic booty boot! Unh! Goot gawd! *wicky* *wicky* *screee!*)
The definitive version of "Desperado."
now I love the Man in Black as much as the next monkey, but am a little disturbed to know he (too) is prone to throwing his own faeces.
If there is any human in the history of mankind who has earned the right to cover that song, it's Johnny by-God Cash.