July 16, 2004

Take your cat for a walk.
  • Cats are obstinate and prefer to be carried.
  • I've seen it done. Cats can be trained to walk on a leash. I laughed my ass off the first time I saw it.
  • stirfry: SWEET! Do they make a baby carrier?
  • we can't we're too busy measuring their tails
  • (btw, my brother just got a devon rex and the breeder says they love to go for walks on a leash!)
  • Yep, it works well (walking the cats, that is). And it does look pretty funny. :o) When I put the harness on Gizmo, he keeps falling over for the first 10 minutes or so.
  • stirfry!! NOT funny (meow) I had a friend who taught his cat to walk on a leash. he's out walking the cat one evening and someone passes him with a sack of live chickens. the cat FREAKS OUT and proceeds to climb him....he was COVERED in claw marks!!! hahahahahahahahahha!!!!
  • A stack of live chickens!? I mean, really. A stack of live chickens. I, um... hmm. Okay.
  • I tried to train my cat to do this when he was a kitten. I got a collar, not a harness - first mistake. He had long hair, so I had a hard time judging if the collar was tight enough - second mistake. As he wriggled his way out he got his lower jaw caught on the collar. Suffice it say that I never tried it again, and he's a happy indoor cat who loves the porch.
  • Thanks for posting this article. It was so funny. Ha ha ha. So funny. Next they're going to write an article telling me how to brush my cat's teeth. Haaaa!
  • MonkeyFilter: a demanding puss.
  • minda25 S A C K altho I admit a STACK of live chickens would be frightening to me!
  • oh, Medusa, thank God nobody but me is here today. I laughed so hard I cried a little :o) Where the heck did I get stack from? I even imagined a bunch of wooden chicken-cages when I made that comment.
  • mmmm chicken pancakes /homer simpson
  • I'm Godwinising this thread.
  • I've had two cats that would take evening strolls with me sans leash. One was strictly a summer evening cat, but the other went for his constitutional in all weathers--even rain and slushy snow. OTOH, at one place we stayed for a short time, we were not allowed to have a cat outdoors AT ALL unless it was on a leash. Zeki hated that leash, and all forward progress was made on a drag him claw-you basis.
  • Wolof: :op Stirfry: my husband, who loves cats more than I do, laughed VERY hard at your link. Are you a guy? Is this not a cat thing but a guy thing?
  • After seeing that link on Fark this morning I decided to try to take my cat Peanut for a walk again. For one thing Pea is chunky so the harness is really really snug. She immediately became a boat anchor and when I opened the front door she whipped around and ran toward the other room. I was worried she'd get to the end of the leash [i had her on one of those really long retractable leashes] when she did she managed to squirm out of it without effort. I'd like to take her out for walks because she needs exercise.
  • minda25 sayeth: Is this not a cat thing but a guy thing? A thing it be! A thing to carry that cat thing when the cat thing tries to think for itself. ;)
  • Cats are extremely susceptible to topical poisons. Since they lick their coats, and they lick their feet, they may ingest whatever coat or feet have been in contact with. So walking your cat in any area where you've no idea what sort of herbicidal or other spraying has been done may invite trouble. Orchards and suburban lawns are two places that tend to be frequently sprayed. Other substances (such as antifreeze, some fertilizers) encountered outdoors may present further hazards.
  • This seems like the easiest way to lose an eye I've seen in a long time...